Saturday, July 22, 2017

Eight Point Lake '17, Pt. III


July 22nd
"Rallying of the Clans"

A little morning rain.  This fortunately cleared up after a bit.
Starting off Day Four at Eight Point Lake with some hardcore nudity. . .
Abby brought a bunch of her Gift 'Ems up to the Cottage this year. It's this year's Shopkins fad - hopefully it'll be over by Christmas (cross your fingers.)
Jeff, Annie and their three kids - Scarlet, Owen and Levi - showed up later in the morning, followed shortly thereafter by Chris (Nicole, super-pregnant with twins, wasn't feeling up to a day at the lake.)
The Cannonball.  Bein' weird.
Nana and Levi
Owen attempts to open up one of my coolers, which was mysteriously commandeered at some point during the last few days in order to house Jax's car collection.
While people got around for the day, Dad, Jeff and Annie took the kids down to the nearby 'beach' - about 50 feet from our Cottage - to let the kids splash around and dig in sand.

Back at the Cottage, hanging out with Baby Levi.
We brought up a few of these foam squirters with us this year, but they didn't get much use with our kids (aside from squirting water at the dog in order to get him barking like an asshole.)  Jeff's kids definitely appreciated them, though.
Bradley, once again on the hunt for creatures. . .
The Houghs, version 2.1
(Jax struggled with nap time today.)
Playing catch out back with Brian White.
Annie and a very elaborate baby sling.
Bloody Marys (Maries?) and discussion
Owen's 'Cheese Face.'
Kris gets her baby fix.
The Borthers
Youngest to Oldest, once again.
Papa, Nana, and a slew of grandkids (and Duke.)
Another shot, this time featuring Watson.
Cannonball photobombs once again. . .
Scarlet finds a weapon
In the afternoon, Chris and I went over to Lucy and Larry's cabin to smoke some cigars Larry brought up, and while we were gone Dad took all the grandkids out for a cruise around the lake.
Lucy and Larry's cabin (this is the one they usually end up renting up at Eight Point.)
I jokingly asked Larry to bring up cigars with him from Grand Rapids.  This man does not mess around.
Stogie time.
Setting off for a cruise.
Cigar City
Houghs on the Lake.  They actually passed right in front of Lucy and Larry's cabin on their putting-cruise around the lake, so we were able to wave at them from the dock.
Lucy and Larry's dock.  That rundown, piece of junk pontoon boat you see there never gets used, as the landlord charges a ridiculous amount - per day - to use it.  If it was in awesome shape, that'd be one thing, but this boat looks like it hasn't been cleaned since the '80s.
Screw you and your Red Sox, Troll.
Back at the Cottage
Kris and Scarlet (and a pouting Abby.)
Snack time (believe it or not, this was the first time my kids have had Push Pops. . . I guess I'm a shitty parent.)
Mandatory 'Scarlet and Jax hand-holding on the steps' picture.
Cousins and sugar.
Give this kid a broom or a rake and he's set for hours. . .
Checking out some antique teacher books Aunt Lucy gave me (I'm going to put them on my desk when I go back to work.)
Al and Shirley bring their dog - which is more or less a Black Bear - over for a visit.
This dog was friendly enough with people, but was overly-aggressive with dogs.  It bit both Bailey and Watson, but Duke was smart enough to keep his distance.
Nerding it out with Alexa.
A couple dead animals.
Jeff and his family ended up heading out around dinner time, but the Houghs and Whites were still playing in/on the lake well into the evening.
Creepy Uncle Chris
Mommin' it up on the Swing.
Grub time.
This thing was delicious as hell. . .
Bradley couldn't look more bored while his Uncle does a set of curls.
Fact or Crap
The Grants rolled into town after dinner, and immediately hit the lake for some swimming - and wrestling - with their cousins.  The Grants rented out a cabin on a nearby lake, so they'd be in town for the weekend's big Cornhole Tournament.
A cloudy, overcast evening on Eight Point Lake. . .
Kyle and his girlfriend, doing some fishing with Bryan
Another mosquito-ridden campfire.  As could be expected, it wasn't as popular with folks as it usually is.

- Brian

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