Saturday, June 10, 2017

Backyard Bridge Bonanza

The masses assembled.
Hi folks.

Today, as you can tell from the day's other post, has been a ridiculously draining day.  Productive, but draining.

As Yours Truly continues to move more and more crap into our new home - today was the Big Move day, where my brothers helped me move the big items of furniture into the house, so now we're officially in - Kris and her co-leader, Courtney, opted to hold their girl scout troop's official bridging ceremony in our backyard.

Let me explain.

When Daisies finish their second year of daisiehood, or whatever the hell their term of service is called, they graduate to Brownies.  You may remember that Alayna went through something similar last year.  Anyway, June 10th was the official date for this ceremony - it had been for months - and it was only through horrible coincidence that this just happened to fall on the SAME day we were renting a truck and moving all the heavy furniture.  Initially, Kris and Courtney wanted to hold this ceremony at the scout camp in frickin' Harrison, but that's a heck of a drive from Midland, and they don't even have a bridge there for the scouts to walk ceremoniously across.

Kris and Courtney rally the troops for the ceremony
So Kris volunteered our own, local backyard. . . which, as you know, comes fully equipped with a picturesque, wooden bridge.  Needless to say, parents of the troop pounced on the idea.

Kris was nice enough to allow me to work inside for most of it, unpacking and moving house crap, instead of shmoozing with parents over a picnic-styled lunch while drenched in sweat when I had way more important things to attend to.  All she asked was that I come outside for the ceremony part of it in order to take pictures.  I was obviously more than cool with this.

So yeah. . . that's how we got to today's ceremony, which I'm going to lighlty glaze over now because the pictures really speak for themselves (don't expect a slew of witty captions, folks.)

Here we go. . .

Reading off prepared statements for each of the scouts, one at a time.  Following their written introductions, the scouts walked across the bridge, accepted their 'diploma' (or whatever it's called), removed their Daisy vest, and received their Brownie sash.
Hurrah for mediocrity.

- Brian

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