Saturday, August 13, 2016


As you'll recall, Internet, the Voigts and us go waaaaay back.

Adam and I were roommates - and band mates - back in our glory days at WMU, and he and his wife, Lindsey, were some of our closest friends while we were down in Orlando.  Hell, they were more of a family to our kids than our own family was for eight years.  It therefore goes without saying that we've missed having them around a great deal, and were consequently thrilled when they let us know that they'd be visiting with relatives up in Frankenmuth, MI, and would be able to squeeze us in for a mini-visit during their stay.

And so, let's see how the Hough/Voigt Bavarian-themed August visit went down. . .

Crossing the Scary Bridge (the Michigan version, located in scenic Zilwaukee, MI)
I picked up a nine-pack of specialty pints from Brewery Vivant - not one of my favorite Michigan breweries, but I figured it'd be a nice switch-up from the usual Bell's and Founder's fare for Mr. Voigt and I. . .
After an hour-ish drive in the rain down I-75, we arrived at the Bavarian Inn restaurant in Frankenmuth. . .
They had a ton of candy and toy stores in the basement of this place, so it goes without saying that our children were a pain in the ass to keep track of. . .
May this image forever haunt your dreams. . .
This display is like heroin for my offspring
On our way out of the basement 'mall,' posing for the obligatory photo-op board.  After speaking on the phone with the Voigts, we realized that we had parked at and entered the wrong building.
On our way to the Voigts' actual hotel, the Bavarian Inn itself.  First we had to cross this creepy Sleepy Hollow-ish bridge, though. . .
At least we didn't have any flaming pumpkins thrown at us on our way across. . . so we had that going for us.
The Bavarian Inn Lodge
The infamous Adam Q. Voigt.  We went downstairs to order a couple pizzas, have a few beers, and walk around a bit while the womenfolk stayed upstairs with the kids and caught up.
Back in the room, waiting for food
View from their room, overlooking a pretty insane play area.
Sadly, I never checked this out.
After pizza, watching a movie and trying to wind the kids down a little
(We're pretty photogenic.)
I downloaded one of those face-swapping apps for my phone to keep the kids entertained when they're getting stir-crazy.  Pretty creepy results.
Pool full o' hotties
Second generation group photo
The kids neglected to bring hoodies or cover-ups of any kind with them (like we told them to), so the girls ended up having to share mine throughout the evening. . .
Winding down (note the Voigts' kids are already in bed.)
It was a short visit, but a good one all the same.  It'll hopefully be an annual thing between now and whenever the hell they decide to get off their asses and come home to Michigan.
Scenic Bavaria.  We'll probably be stopping by again in December for our annual Bronner's outing (which I'm sure I'll be telling you folks all about. . .)

- Brian

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