Our room at the cabin |
So once again, to
no one's surprise, my kids woke up at the ass-crack of dawn. Like a couple of assholes.
This is what they do when they're not going to school. On school days, we have to
drag them out of the bed and fight with them out of their pajamas.
I hate kids.
That said, the Houghs once again got around fast and got into
Gatlinburg around 10am or so. This was our
last full day in Tennessee and we still had a lot of stuff we wanted to do and/or take care of.
Kris really wanted to check out this place called
Ober-Gatlinburg - a ski resort that doubles as a family-friendly amusement park cradled atop one of the mountains overlooking the town. I had no problem with this, per se, but knew it was going to take up a solid chunk of our last day, so I didn't want to be slow getting out of the cabin.
Plus the traffic down there, as previously mentioned, sucks butt. And I was damn determined to nab a parking spot and beat the rush.
Pure glory in a mason jar |
Yours Truly wanted to hit up a couple of shops that I had researched prior to leaving Florida. Namely, the
Ole Smokey Distillery and the nationally-recognized
Gatlin-Burlier Tobbaconist.
What can I say? I like my whiskey and I like me a good pipe.
Here's how the day unfolded. . .
We found parking right away, conveniently right in the heart of the tourist strip, for the usual $10 all-day rate. The attendant, like every other southern stranger we've met so far on this trip, was eerily polite and friendly. I guess living down here in Central Florida, we've grown accustomed to assholes - this trip has been a pleasant change. |
First order of business: find the Ober-Gatlinburg tram station. |
We passed by Ole Smoky on the way to the Ober-Gatlinburg tram. Rest assured I took mental note of its location. |
Some sky-needle-looking thing. I guess it's famous, but we didn't check it out so I have no idea what it is or why it's a big deal. |
Here's this. |
And this. |
More 'Lies on Wheels.' |
There are two ways up the mountain: you can either take a tram (like a cable car, suspended hundreds of feet above the trees, at a cost of $30 for all of us) up the mountain, or you can drive and pay for parking ($7) at the top. Since we had already paid for the parking in town - and the drive up was supposedly brutal on one's brakes and transmission - we opted to fork out the extra dough and take the scary-as-all-hell tram up. |
I don't have any pics of the tram ride up - I was wedged by the door and the tram operator, and there were about 40 other people in there. They hold more, but we were there somewhat early in the morning, so we beat the rush. The trams ran every twenty minutes, with the last tram leaving the summit at 2:40pm (for servicing), so we made a mental note to try and catch the 1:40pm back to Gatlinburg and avoid the 'oh shit' crowds. |
Getting off the tram, Kris bought a coupon book of 'tickets.' Basically, they nickle-and-dime you up in Ober-Gatlinburg. Everything costs tickets (which cost $4 apiece), much like a carnival, so you save money by buying coupon books (10 tickets for $30.) Still, kind of a scam. |
$20 a person to ice skate? No thanks. |
Who needs over-priced rides when you have a public fountain? |
The guy at the left looks like he's either mildly annoyed I'm taking a picture of my family, or else he's guilty for taking pictures of kids that don't belong to him. I'm going with the latter, as he totally looks like a child molester. |
Going out to explore some of the rides |
Kris scolds Abby. Again. |
Chairlift up to the higher part of the mountain. Remember, this place is usually a ski resort, so they convert the slopes into summer-friendly activities, such as the Alpine Slide. |
What the hell's an Alpine Slide, you ask? This thing, more or less. You ride this plastic sled with a brake over a plastic slide down the length of a mountain. Sound fun? It costs two tickets. |
So does this gigantor waterslide. |
One ticket got the girls into this all day (Abby was free for everything, thank God.) |
After awhile of whittling away at her coupon book, Kris returned it, paid $9 more, and got unlimited wristbands good for all-day passes for Alayna and her. Much better deal, so we were happy. |
Kris had to talk me into allowing Alayna to go up the mountain on a ski lift in order to go down the Alpine Slide. The idea of my child flailing wildly through the air as she fell from a rickety chairlift wasn't something I was too comfortable with. Fortunately, as you can see, these chairs were fitted with really secure bars (seen above) that NO child over 700 lbs could possibly slide under. Right? What's there to worry about? |
Well, long story short, they didn't fall, they didn't die, and they enjoyed their little slide thing down the mountain. So whatever. |
While Kris took the Cannonball up the second part of the mountain, I was left behind with a four-year-old in the midst of an all-out tantrum. She was pissed Alayna got to go up the chairlift and she - Queen Squirmy herself - couldn't. So, being the naturally good parent I am, I bought her a high-sugared, blue slushee to shut her the hell up. |
Once Kris and Alayna made it down the mountain slide, Alayna and Abby hit up more of these carnival-ish rides scattered around the place. Like this one - Slow, Rotating Car Ride. |
Sick of this pose yet? So are we. Trust me. |
Just tall enough. |
I didn't think the Cannonball would do this one, but it ended up being her favorite. |
Abby manages the vehicle while Alayna, evidently, meditates (note: that kid behind them was so mortified to be on that ride - I think she's in middle school.) |
Abby braved the swings as well - they went around a few times before we were forced to pry them off in order to meet our 1:40pm tram ride down the mountain. |
We had some out-of-nowhere-amazing Mexican food while we were up there for lunch, bringing our total Ober-Gatlinburg total to under $100 - which was way under our projected budget for a half-day excursion. We got to the tram station ten minutes early and found ourselves first in line for the next tram. When we boarded, we got front-row seats against the large, glass window that faced downhill (er, downmountain - whichever.) |
The view from the tram was awesome - you don't get sick of seeing stuff like this. |
The kids weren't nearly as terrified as I was riding the tram down the mountain, which was MUCH scarier than the way up had been. Standing in the front row, you feel like you're falling, which isn't the best sensation for one who's horribly afraid of heights. |
The worst part of these tram rides was when you had to pass one of these large support towers - the tram would swing past them, and the force of the passing would cause them to sway as they lumbered past. I wasn't a big fan. |
There were only two trams running the mountain, and both were permanently attached to their cables, meaning they always passed each other at the exact same spot each run. |
Coming back to Gatlinburg (and solid ground.) |
Off the tram, we decided to do some souvenir shopping. Kris I think was grateful for me not griping in the kid-friendly Ober-Gatlinburg, and therefore rewarded me with some walk-around time to check out the distilleries and tobacco shops. First stop: Ole Smoky Holler. |
Not really a place for kids, what with all the free samples being splashed around. |
Kris had the SLR, so I didn't snap as many pictures as I wanted to (I can 'fire from the hip with a camera' - not as easy to do with a phone without looking like a tourist.) Some of these pics are taken off Google. |
One of the interior bars, where they serve up free samples of moonshine. |
Of course there's a gift shop. |
Folks clustered around, waiting for free booze. |
I ended up trying several different varieties of 'shine while I was there. The original, White Lightning, and Charred Bourbon were all strong as hell, but they sold a hell of a lot more of the weaker, fruitier stuff (blackberry, apple pie, strawberry, peach, lemonade, etc.) - I take it most folks can't hold their booze. |
Charred was probably my favorite, as it had that old barrel whiskey flavor to it, but I ended up buying a mason jar of White Lightning instead (mainly due to the old honky tonk song of the same name.) I'll keep it in my bar, sealed. . . unless, of course, I run low on gas in my car and need some fuel to get out of the driveway. |
Original moonshine |
Another cool thing about the Ole Smoky Moonshine Distillery was, besides the awesome moonshine, free samples, and friendly/attractive staff, they had live bluegrass acts performing on a stage in their courtyard. |
Now, maybe it was the six or seven complimentary shots of moonshine talking, but these guys sounded awesome. |
While I was knee-deep in Tennessee moonshine, Kris had tracked down the only Dunkin Donuts in Gatlinburg, and had bribed our kids in to going in with the promise of sugar-loaded donuts. . . |
Happy campers. |
Following their coffee/donut binge, Kris and the girls began slowly idling their way back up the main strip to where I was, taking a few photo ops along the way (with the help of some stranger - my kids aren't that tall.) |
I don't know what this is. |
After Ole Smoky's, I rendezvoused with Kris at yet another distillery down the street - Davy Crockett's Whiskey. Once again - great whiskey, great atmosphere, great servers, and great free samples of glorious, glorious whiskey. |
I can't begin to describe how much I wanted to buy a few bottles of this, but knowing me, I would've purchased it, put it on my bar, and then never touched it. I already had a mason jar of White Lightning from Ole Smoky, so I really couldn't justify it. |
Alayna fails at utilizing a slingshot in the appropriate manner (though she does get points for a spot-on pirate impression.) |
These were all absolutely delicious, but the salty caramel at the end was amazing - if I can find a bottle of that down in Orlando, I'm pouncing on that crap like a lion on a sickly gazelle. |
Giving away free samples at the bar. Not as organized as Ole Smoky's, nor as knowledgable - you kind of just walked up and said 'Can I try this one?' and the server would pour you a shot. Still, who's to complain about free whiskey? |
Vats of awesome |
Hopefully these barrels aren't full - that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. |
Gunfight in the distillery |
Our last stop on the strip was a souvenir cul-de-sac called 'The Village.' |
Kris had been here before, some twenty years ago, as part of a church group or something, and remembered it being good for shopping. We hadn't bought much so far. I had bought some moonshine and pipe tobacco (a 4oz bag from a store called Smokeyz, but I still wanted to check the Galin-Burlier out), Kris had picked up a shot glass and some postcards, and the girls had yet to pick up something. |
While Kris took the girls around shopping for souvenirs, I ducked across the street to the Mountain Mall. Inside, was the nationally-renowned Gatlin-Burlier Tobacconist. |
Damn straight I'm welcome, bear. |
I apologize in advance for the shittiness of these Google pictures - I didn't take any myself ('cause I figured in such a small shop that might seem weird/creepy, some dude walking around with an SLR snapping pictures of pipe tobacco). This store doesn't seem to have that much of a Google presence, which is odd because it is a pretty famous establishment (being recognized across the country and all.) Pretty small, too - I was expecting something much bigger, but it was probably smaller than the old Smoker's Club in Mt. Pleasant.
The pipes on the wall there were pretty well priced, too. |
The store was split up into sections - a cigarette area, a smokeless tobacco area, a walk-in humidor for cigar aficionados, and - for folks like me - a wall of pipes, tobacco, and related items.
The guy behind the counter (not the dude in the picture there - that's some shitty small-res image off Google) was extremely friendly, and allowed me to browse through the different blends freely. I was kicking my own ass for not bringing a pipe along with me - this place (like most purveyors of pipe tobacco) allow you to fill a bowl and sample different blends prior to purchasing tobacco.
They had about sixteen blends, pre-bagged and ready to go. |
But, like an asshole, I left my pipes back at the cabin.
They sold 2oz bags for $9.99 - $11.99, which was a little more than I was used to, but, then again, this is a tourist town and this is a quality store. However, since I was buying in bulk (I wanted to pick up four bags at the very least), they discounted the price-per-bag so that my total was closer to $29. Since I talked shop with the guy for awhile, he gave me an additional $5 off.
I love pipe smokers.
My tobacco secure, I rejoined Kris and the girls back at the Village, where the girls had picked out two, small pink stuffed animals - Alayna got a giraffe, Abby a cat. JUST what we need at home - more frickin' stuffed animals. |
I walked into an outdoors-y store where they had a lot of hiking gear and bought a walking stick to add to my collection of sticks at home that stand in a corner and collect dust. I deemed it a legit purchase, Kris disagrees. |
The Seloskes and Smiths had been back at the cabin for a few hours by the time we had gotten back, and the Loftises had arrived shortly before, so we cooked up some burgers for our last meal and sat around the living room watching the US/Portugal match (I guess there's this 'World Cup' thing and it's kind of popular, I don't know.) |
Zack Smith, having a blast. |
Sunset over the valley (and strange smoke emanating from the trees off to the right - my guess from Injuns.) We didn't do much tonight - just stayed up drinking and talking after the wives and kids went to bed - so there's no pictures. For whatever reason, Damon, Smitty and I stayed up 'til about 4am, though. I haven't done that in years. |
Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion
( pfft )
- Brian
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