Monday, March 24, 2014

An Extended Weekend Visit, feat. Grandma Jordan

So Kris' mom, Marcy, flew down here for an extended weekend visit this month.  We didn't really do much, just sort of hung out around the house - here's some snapshots from her time down here in San Juan Orlando.


All grandparents coming to visit are subject to having their white hair 'did' by our offspring.  Comes with the territory.
Reading for Grandma Jordan. . .
Kitty needs a suppository.
. . .Watson doesn't like where this game is going.
Teaching the Cannonball how to knit.
Watson, back from having his anal glands cleaned (seriously.)
Trying to get a picture with the girls.  Always fun.
Watching a movie before bed. . .
This kid's weird.
. . . and here's an attempt at a generational portrait.
(I fashioned Alayna a walking stick out of a piece of our front year palm tree that blew down during a storm.  That's called resourcefulness.) 

We let the kids pick a couple books out at the library over the weekend.  This is the one Abby wanted.
The other day our H.O.A. had a crew of cement guys down at the neighborhood park working on the sidewalk. . .
Local kids were told that they would be able to write their names on the newly-paved sidewalk once it was dry enough.  Little did we know at the time that this would take an hour and a half longer than they originally predicted.
Both kids wanted to write their names in the cement, but we were already an hour past Nap Time. . . so you can imagine how much fun we were having keeping the two of them entertained and distracted from their own tiredness.
Long story short, in the end I had to write their names for them because they were too incapacitated by their own exhaustion to do so themselves.  Whatever. . . now they'll be forever enshrined in some random, Central Florida  subdivision park entrance.
On the way to the Pet Supermarket to pick up some dog food and snacks. . .
Nothing like Krab Rangoon at a Japanese Sushi joint. . .
Our kids are becoming pretty skilled at using chop sticks. . .
The kids don't really throw down on the whole 'sushi' thing, so we usually just buy a plate of chicken fried rice (that apparently feeds thirty) and they split a fraction of it. . . and then we eat off it for the following week.  Pretty sweet deal (so long as you like chicken fried rice, of course.)

- Brian

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