Monday, June 3, 2013

Grandma Jordan Cometh

Hey again,

Every year, we receive grandparent visits, and different sets fly down at different times of the year, as you've probably noticed by now.  Dad and Cindy in October and May, Mom and John usually sometime in the winter and again in June.  This year, for the first time in nearly four years, Kris' mom Marcy was flying down to stay with us for a couple weeks.

This would be an action-packed visit, as there were several things happening during her stay with us.  I missed out on a solid portion of this, seeing how I'm pretty busy wrapping up the school year (I won't be done with kids until the 6th of June (which is a hell of a lot better than last year, when we didn't finish 'til the 10th).

Anyway, Here's some pics from Grandma Jordan's recent visit - enjoy:

Rollin' through the Hood.
See the yard in the foreground?  I would gladly sell both of my children if I could have that guy's lawn/landscaping.
At the slightly less-disgusting-now-that-the-HOA-complained Ginger Mill Park. . .
Digging for the fossilized remains of dinosaurs. . . which is of course legit seeing how both of the ladies in the above picture have a Doctorate in Paleontology. 
Outside the T-Rex restaurant at Downtown Disney.  Where was I while all this fun was being had?  Oh yeah - I was still at work. . .

The S.S. Nap Time saw some serious action this week - we've been blessed with awesome weather so far.
Abby's favorite part of the pool?  The ladder.
New summer dresses from Grandma Jordan. . .
Watching Brave.  Apparently something about this is confusing me. . .
This needs to be framed as soon as possible.
Time for more interpretive dancing in the living room.  I never get sick of this spectacle. . .
Alayna receives an early birthday present from one of her homegirls that can't make it out to her party on Saturday. . .
Anxiously awaiting one of her presents from Grandma and Papa John. . .
This chick loves shoes.
I wasn't here for this - I have no idea what the hell's going on. . .
Suitin' up for Alayna's graduation. . . (see other post, folks)
Kris begins work on Alayna's Hello Kitty birthday cake. . .
Cake Masters
With the kids in bed and the cakemasters busy at squaw work in the kitchen, Yours Truly was actually able to play videogames for awhile - something that rarely happens.  As you can see, I'm still kicking ass through The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. . .
The work in progress. . .
Hello, Kitty.
Mission Accomplished.
Also, Mission Accomplished.
The Cannonball flips out. . .
Kris finally gets the reaction she didn't get with Abby. . .
Opening leftover birthday presents from her party (see other post) - the Cannonball scored a crap-load of Barbies this year. . . no idea what we're going to do with them all.  Especially once they all end up naked.  'Cause you know that's what's going to happen as soon as possible. . .
Not sure if she's happy or pissed here. . .
Showing the Cannonball how to use a Lite Brite. . . or Light Bright.  Not sure how that's spelled.
See that heart-covered thingy on her forehead?  Yeah, that's a sticker.  And I was NOT about to peel that off her forehead, eyebrows, and hair. . .
Swinging at Eagle Park in Hunter's Creek. . .

Snack Break
Feeding the ducks and turtles. . .
. . . until this dude came along and attempted chomping one of the turtles in half.  Again, I wasn't here for this (work, yet again), but apparently this thing was nearly four feet long.  I still think Abby could've kicked the thing's ass, though.
Post-Alligator Encounter Debriefing Session at Menchie's Frozen Yogurt at the Loop. . .
Making Father's Day cards at the Spring Hill's Retirement Home in Hunter's Creek with Kris' League of Banished Moms
- Brian

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