Hey creepers,
Not much has changed over the last week or so - whenever the hell I last updated this thing, I don't know. We're both still working a lot, keeping our heads down and killing time until those fun things on the horizon (
Wicked for Kris,
Italy for Yours Truly,
St. Patrick's Day for all of us)
finally decide to get their lazy asses in gear and show up.
The weather down here lately has been horrible - in the morning it's 40 degrees, and by noon it's in the low 80s. There's no way in Hell one can prepare themselves for this, either physically or clothing-ly. All this hot/cold/hot/cold crap is making everyone
sick - allergies are running rampant, kids are walking around with smoker's cough, snot rags litter the floors, and nobody knows how to dress themselves. At this point, I'd be
totally cool with winter weather if it would just
stay winter weather long enough so that I could get used to it.
hate Florida.
Anyway, now that I've grumbled about the weather like some 76-year-old man, here's some random pictures from over the last two weeks or so.
- Brian
Sunchild Spring 2013 Portraits |

The Little Rocks Kids Choir, performing at the Osceola County Fair (the Cannonball's the short one) |
Exit, Stage Left. |
I don't know who this other kid is. |
After the concert. . . |
I hate camels. |
At the Heavy Petting Zoo. . . |
Alayna, petting some kind of furry quadruped. |
I'm not sure, but it looks like this cow's head is stuck. . . |
Pumped. |
The Cannonball apparently loved this (she's second from the back) |
Alayna wanted to be dressed up like Pocahontas. Abby just hates wearing clothes. |
Alayna's last day with Ms. Virginia, the teacher who is primarily responsible for teaching her how to read. Ms. Virginia is moving back to Ecuador, so the VPK kids are going to be getting a new teacher, who will hopefully be just as good at teaching reading and writing. |
For the last few years, the kids have monopolized our living room TV - I guess that sorta thing happens when you have kids. On Saturday, however, I wanted to use the Wii (something I never get to do anymore) while having my morning coffee, so I rigged up a VCR to an old TV we had in the garage and set the girls up in their bedroom for the morning. This may have to be a weekend ritual from this point forward. . . |
While shopping in the Loop, the girls get distracted with a fountain. . . |
Seizing other folks' wishes. . . |
Stopover at Menchies - the kids' favorite ice creamery |
One of our lilly clusters, back from a winter nap. . . |
If you ever want to keep preschoolers occupied and out of your hair, give them a big pile of dirt and a shovel. |
Field hands. |
Kris wanted these plastic things gone. Personally, I'd like to ring the smaller fruit trees with stones - not sure why the previous owner was so obsessed with all the white plastic in his backyard. . . |
The Cannonball attempts to water the grass. . . which, as you can see, is REALLY thirsty. |
I have a shit-load of rocks. No idea what I'm doing with all of this crap. . . |
Sunset over Ginger Mill. . . |
I decided to break out the old Playmobile sets so the girls could play with something new. . . I forgot this stuff was like plastic heroin. |
Back for action, after 20 years. . . |
Loving sisters. |
Kris should really know better, sitting in the Splash Zone. . . |
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