Hi everybody. How we doin'?
We're still packing like crazy these days, but now we're moving as well. FINALLY.
Yes, we closed with the sellers on
May 25th.
I took a half-day off of work 'cause there were seemingly
hundreds of forms and paperwork to sign, and I legally had to be there. Unfortunately, while
had taken the time and energy to ensure that we were at the realtor's
office for closing at 9am, the title company representative did
Hell, the folks at their office didn't even know when/where the closing
was to take place, and therefore hadn't left their office yet (a solid
hour drive away).
That was cool.
Eventually, though, the title people
did show up, and,
after an hour and half of signing papers, we were home homeowners. I
found it fitting that the day I became a homeowner just so happened to
be the
35th anniversary of
Star Wars: A New Hope - one of the greatest movies of all time (not to mention one of
my personal favorites. . .
This is the coolest thing you will see in your entire life. Ever.
I guess the sellers had been ready to move out of their house
once our check cleared all that bank mumbo-jumbo, seeing how we closed a
week early. This was goods news for us, since the only day the Clint
and the Voigts can help us move the big stuff with the moving truck is
June 2nd -
this Saturday. More or less that means we're having to move
all the smaller crap (that which doesn't have to go over in the truck) on our own,
after work.
Should be a blast.
more or less, the hectic-ness of our day-to-day lives remains the same.
. . we're just replacing 'packing' with 'moving.' Here are some
pictures of the process thus far. Enjoy:
The Man Room gets boxed up. . .
The Library was the first room to be torn down and boxed up - making room for more boxes and additional crap.
We ended up finding a furniture set (bunk beds, a desk, and a dresser) on craigslist for $300
- a steal considering it was all in excellent shape and made of quality
wood. They even threw in a couple mattresses, of which we kept one
(which became a big hit with the girls right away - see picture)
Beating up Mommy
Bodyslammin' |
Monday (Memorial Day) we were anticipating to begin moving into the
house, seeing how the sellers had vacated the premises and the selling
agent had assured us everything was a 'go.' But, as luck would have it,
we ended up sitting around all day waiting for a phone call that never
came - the selling agent was nowhere to be found, and eventually we just
said 'screw it' and drove over to the new house ourselves.
The house was all locked up, but the side gate had been left open
(which concerned me, regardless of the fact that the back patio and
shed were still locked up). So we let the girls run around in their new
backyard for awhile before heading back to the house to schedule a time
when we
could get our house keys from the selling agent. . .
Our new backyard
Smelling flowers. . .
The side yard - where we'll be setting up the pool and soon as we possibly can. . .
The side gate
shed was left FULL of tools, lawn fertilizers, spare parts for the
house, pavers, soil, roofing material, and more - I'm excited to get
into it and see what all's in there. . .
not sure what the sellers were so afraid of - there's iron bars on all
the windows and doors, the shed and garage have been upgraded to
'hurricane proof,' and now there's barbed wire along the back fence. I
feel adequately prepared for the zombie apocalypse.
Kris checks out the neighbors' yard. . .
Some of our new trees (that white PVC cage-looking thing might have to go. . .)
Abby explores the Orchard
I think we may have to get rid of a few of these trees, seeing how they're so close together. I hate to do it, though.
Everywhere I look, there's more house stuff left behind for us - definitely appreciated.
hose is much nicer than our current one - the sellers, seeing how
they're moving into apartment next, left us three different hoses along
with all their yard stuff. That'll save me a small fortune.
Spying in the house
The Front Door (even though its on the side of the house)
The window on the left is the girls' playroom, the one on the right the kitchen sink.
Front of the house (that's the Study window)
Front yard
The driveway. The sellers just finished this paving job a year or so ago. . .
The sellers also left behind the Virgin Mary shrine
at the front house. This is awkward for us, seeing how we're not
Catholic and neither one of us has the stones to throw Jesus' Mom - who
is cemented into the ground - in the garbage.
This is going to be a pain in the ass to mow. . .
A day or two later, on my way to work, I was
finally able to
meet up with the selling agent (randomly behind a Publix - don't ask)
and pick up the keys to our house. He handed me the keys in a loose
bag, and
none of them were labeled. Some were to the front door,
others to the back door, others to the iron gated doors, others to the
iron gated windows, some to the shed, some to to the lock on the front
fence gate, others to the lock on the back fence gate, etc.
You can imagine how much fun it was to walk around and try these things out around the house.
So, armed with our new keys, I
finally moved our first load into the new house once I got out of work, and the move-in process was on. . .
The Living Room
had me bring the girls' bike over, as she was bringing them over with
her (and a van-load of boxes) once she got out of work. . .
Note speaker/iPod set up. I made it a point to bring those over in the first load. . .
The Girls' Playroom
That crystal ball light is going to be replaced. Soon.
left behind a TV for us. We have too many TVs already as it is, so I'm
entertaining the idea of opening up my own appliance store once we
finish moving in.
The miniature Kitchen Nook - fitting our table in that area should be interesting.
The Girls' Bedroom
not as small as we remembered it, and with a set of bunk beds they'll
have more room than they had in their old room. . .
closet's kind of small in this house, so we're going to have to get
creative. We bought a dresser along with the bunk beds and desk, so
we're hoping it'll fit in there. . .
planning on painting the girls' room, and put it to Alayna to determine
which color. She chose purple. . . so that'll be interesting.
Girls' Bathroom
(Note handsome man in bathtub, ladies.)
the left, you have a coat closet (which we'll probably use for the
vacuum, dust buster, etc.) and the girls room. At the end of the hall is
my study. On the right, at the far end, is the garage, following by
another closet (to be used for board games and puzzles, etc.) and
finally the girls' bathroom.
The Study
First beer in the Study. . .
I had envisioned this whole wall being wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling
books. . . but with closets down one wall and a large window taking up
another, I don't think it'll work.
Regardless, I'm very pleased with this set up.
View from the Study. . .
Game Closet
The Master Bedroom
That cable business in the corner was pushed back into the wall with ease - I wasn't about to have that crap in my room.
sure what's up with all the light spots, here - hopefully its not
ghosts. If so, hopefully they're cool and not a bunch of jerks. Or
Walk-in Closet (prior to professional carpet cleaning)
Two sinks again - Huzzah!
The Garage
technically its a two-car garage, I only envision us parking one in
here - I like having the extra work and storage space. . .
in the shed, the sellers left us a TON of useful tools, household
cleaners, supplies, and storage racks/cabinets - all of which I'm sure
will come in handy. . .
New Washer & Dryer - definitely a step up from the pieces of crap we had in our old house. . . |
Not sure why there's a bottle of Head & Shoulders out here in the garage. . . maybe they liked washing their hair in a sink?
Aside from faulty latches that I'll have to replace, this workbench area is awesome. . .
If this palm tree falls during Hurricane Season, our cars are screwed. . .
Abby partakes in their first 'meal' in the new house.
Post-meal running session. . .
Door leading out to the Patio from the Kitchen
The Patio - probably my second-favorite room in the house.
Patio window, looking into the Living Room
The window to the left is the Living Room, the ones on the right the Master Bedroom. . .
too thrilled with the bizarre cable mess sticking out of the wall (its
like that in a few rooms), but at least they're easy to push back into
the wall for later use. . .)
These screen windows are layered with multiple vinyl panels that can be adjusted to let in air, keep rain out, etc.
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