Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter '12

Hey guys, wanna see what we did for Easter this year?

'Course you do:

Opening Easter care packages (via Skype) with Grandma and Papa John
Bizarro Easter Bunny crafts. . .
More crafts - personalized Easter Eggs
(Kris wrote that.  Abby didn't.  Don't think we have one of those weird genius kids, 'cause we don't.)
Cooperating for the camera. . .
The finished product
. . . and on to the Decoration of Cupcakes!
Sprinkle distribution requires ultimate focus. . .
Bucky the Pants-less Uni-horned Easter Bunny:  the Hough Family's R-Rated Unofficial Easter Mascot
Healthy snacks!
Frosting with Bucky
Kris.  Helping.
. . . finished cupcakes?
More Easter care packages for the girls. . .
. . . this time with Papa and Nana! (via Skype)
'Hey, why are your kids nappin' in the backyard like a bunch a' weirdos?'  Good question, pal.
Impromptu fort time.
This is what happens when you allow our three-year old child to dress herself. . .
At Peace United Methodist Church for MORE Easter crafts. . .
The Last Supper (seriously)
Hunting for Easter eggs. . .
Prayer rocks
So, what are you thankful for?
Planting seeds
Kris, having fun.
More arts and crafts. . .
More Easter Egg hunting. . .
Signing the Cross (for whatever reason. . .)
Following the rules!
Daddy's Easter present -  The Limited Edition Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii Plus Remote!
Dying Easter Eggs
Rockin' the Paas!
We got a tie-dying (however the hell you spell that) Paas egg decorating set this year.  Pretty cool kit, but definitely too advanced for our chimp-like children.
Abby.  Having fun.
Finished product.
Brawl over the desert, during which Alayna ended up walking away with a HUGE bite-mark on her arm.  The lesson to be learned from this?  Don't EVER take Whipped Topping away from Abby.
Preparing Easter Baskets. . .
Kids' baskets (and Arrested Development!)
Abby woke up first in the morning for Easter Egg hunting around the house, and got straight to it. . .
She totally gets this from her mom. . .
We decided to implement a scavenger hunt into finding the Easter baskets this year. . .
(I drew pictures instead of writing clues so Alayna could do it herself)
Alayna on the hunt. . .
Finding the next clue. . .
(that's supposed to be the kids' art easel)
The next clue. . .
(. . . the crib full of stuffed animals.)
The last clue:  the Bathtub!
Easter baskets!
New Easter dress (Alayna is OBSESSED with dresses. . .)
This one?  Elmo (unfortunately.)
Gathering up the remaining Easter Eggs. . .
Our house is now trashed.
Skyping with Grandma Jordan
Chocolate Easter Bunnies!
. . . and Skyping with Grandma and Papa John.
It wouldn't be a morning in the Hough household without a song and dance number. . .
Preparing for the Voigts' (after horrible, barely-existent naps). . .
Easter luncheon - and hyper child-wrangling) at the Voigts' house. . .
- Brian

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