Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Visual Weaponry and Other Tales

Word to your mother,

Hey, guess what?  Remember when I talked about that ol' Rebel XT of mine biting the dust?  Remember that?  And I made a bunch of witty observations about topical things like politicians and gas prices?  Remember that?

Well, we bought a new camera.  A Canon PowerShot ELPH 300hs.  Check it out here.

I wasn't gung-ho about ordering a point-and-shoot camera; as a hardcore SLR fan, its nigh cringe-worthy to even think about brandishing something so amateur and streamline.  Where's the heart?  Where's the creative freedom?

Canon PowerShot ELPH 300hs
You see, Kris agreed that we'd have to buy a new SLR camera come next tax season. . . when we'd be able to afford to pay top dollar for high-quality, photographic hand cannon.  In the meantime, we  came to the conclusion that we needed something to tide us over.  Sure, we both have decent cameras on our cell phones. . . but we wanted something with more versatility and speed.

Kris' New Camera. . .
After a few days of searching around online through various sites, I finally settled on the Canon PowerShot ELPH 300hs.  According to websites like Consumer's Report, Newegg, and Amazon, this is more or less the best camera one can buy for under $250, so that's what we went with.  I figured that once we have a SLR back in our arsenal, this new camera can be Kris' and everybody wins.

. . . except our bank account, that is.  I suppose if our original camera hadn't broken in the first place, we wouldn't be in the position we are today. .  having to buy two additional cameras.

Goddamn it.

Anyway, enough about cameras.  Let's talk about my kids for a bit.  Everybody likes talkin' about kids!  I suppose I could talk about how little my kids are sleeping these days.  Or how little they're eating.  Or how little they're following parental instruct-

You know, screw it.  I don't want to go into that.

I'm done.
- Brian

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