Friday, November 13, 2009

Gorilla Poop

So I got to see a gorilla eat his own crap the other day. That was a first.

I suppose generally that wouldn't have been all that impressive, had it not been for the manner in which the gorilla decided to eat his own crap. At Animal Kingdom, there's this gorilla sanctuary. 'Sanctuary,' in this sense, referring to a caged area where gorillas are housed (I think companies and zoos enjoy throwing 'sanctuary' in there in order to fluff up the fact that the animals are, in all actually, still surrounded by a giant fence). Anyway, within this area, there's a spot where visitors are able to walk up and, from behind the safety of what I can only assume is a really, really thick piece of glass, check out their ancestors.

The gorilla in question, having been stared at probably the sound majority of his pathetic life, wasn't shy about eating his own crap in front of intrusive spectators. Upon crapping into his own hand (paw, whatever), he walked the morsel over in front of the glass wall and, with a touch of pride, began chowing down on his freshly made meal right before the gathered masses. He could've done this in private, but this gorilla was a showman, and probably on a contract.

He works at Disney, so I guess that shouldn't be surprising.

- Brian

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