Thursday, April 25, 2019

Rock Around the Fifties

This is how she went to school this morning. . .
Hey there, fanbase.

Abby's been on a huge '50s music kick lately - it's all she'll request our various Amazon Alexa devices to play anymore.  Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, SeƱor Valens, you name it.  This recent obsession isn't random by any means, though:  she got a small speaking role in her grade level's annual musical,  Rock Around the Fifties, and has taken it upon herself to prepare for it (months in advance) by listening to 65-year-old rock and roll on a nearly constant basis.

Ready for the show

I'm not complaining, though.  It sure beats the hell out of what her sister usually has our household robots stream.

Post-show (while Yours Truly stacked chairs. . .)
Anyway, I ended up filming it this year with an HD videocamera.  Anymore, with performances like these, I'm starting to lean away from hauling around various SLR lenses, and instead opting to important multiple movie files into iMovie, then uploading it (unlisted, of course) to Youtube.  It's more or less the same amount of time/work in the end, honestly - editing and uploading vs. filtering through hundreds of pics in order to find the ones worth keeping.

So yeah, here's a throwback concert for all you rock and roll fans out there.


- Brian

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