Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kris Outlives Alexander the Great, Jesus, and a Slew of Dead Rock Stars

I don't bake.
Alexander the Great, John Bonham, Chris Farley, John Belushi and some guy named Jesus all have one thing in common with Kris.

They all reached 33.

Of course, around here, we're hoping Kris doesn't die this year.

We didn't do much for Kris' birthday - I bought her a cheesecake 'cause I can't bake for shit, the kids decorated leftover cupcakes from my birthday that've been in the freezer, and we snapped a few pictures.

Besides her birthday, nothing new has been going on around here lately.  Kris and I have been shopping like crazy for the upcoming school year - our whole family needs new school/work clothes, supplies, etc. - and I've been starting to organize all the files and lessons on my school laptop (though it's hard, seeing how my administrators haven't bothered to tell me what I'll be teaching this year. . . which is just as awesome as it sounds.)  I haven't been logging any more hours in Assassin's Creed lately, due to the amount of work-related panic I've been hilt-deep in. . . but it's probably good I'm giving the Wii U a chance to breathe after this summer's nerd fest.

Anyway.  That's that.

How's your day?

- Brian

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