Welcome back.
Days after Grandma Jordan flew back to Michigan, the Houghs up and imported yet another grandma - this time, my mom. Grandma Renee would be staying with us for eight days this time around, sans Papa John, whose business is booming now and consequently he couldn't take the time off.
Here's some randomness from Grandma's latest visit - enjoy:
Tackling some writing and math on the back patio |
I had to drive out to the Sanford airport (about an hour drive from our house) when Mom flew in, since she was coming directly from Jeff and Annie's place in Virginia. On the way there and back, I had to drive over a bridge spanning a swamp; in the process I drove - twice - through a cloud of large insects. Kris' car was disgusting. |
. . . so Grandma decided to put the girls to good use and wash the ol' Tactical Family Transport Vehicle. |
Shouldn't be too surprising that the front-end required the most attention. . . |
I don't have any pictures of it, but my lawnmower blade broke after I hit a tree stump in the backyard. After taking it in to be replaced by the tool folks at Home Depot (I lacked the equipment to take it off myself), the mower was supposedly fixed. Unfortunately, the engine was flooded with oil from being tipped up on its side, and after a day of employing starter fluid to start it back up again, the blade the guy installed fell right off. Now, while we scout around for a place to fix my mower, I'm having to hire a team of lawn dudes to work on my yard. Best of luck, fellas. |
As you can see, I still haven't gotten around to replacing the tops of the workbench yet. . . |
We spent a lot of time in the pool this week. Florida's hotter than Hell, so that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone, I'm sure. |
Clothes shopping in the Orlando Premium Outlets |
Kris, sporting her typical 'mom' face. . . |
As you can see here, Abby is able to consume an entire Wendy's Frosty before Alayna can get to the half-way mark. That kid loves sugar like nobody's business. . . |
At Eagle Park, our kids enjoy throwing bread down to the large snapping turtle (pictured above, measuring about 16 inches in length) and the ducks. Lately, however, they've been joined by this guy (see above)- who, according to witnesses, is about four and a half feet in length. |
As good parents, we let our kids gets as close as possible to the alligator. |
Mid- wind-down routine with Grandma. . . |
The infamous White Frog, who is routinely spotted throughout the backyard, usually by the pool. |
. . . or sometimes in it. |
Both our kids love the crap out of Memory. . . probably 'cause they routinely beat the bejesus out of me at it every time we play. These kids have minds like steel traps. . . that, or I'm an idiot. Either way. |
Another match. . . |
Mom was nice enough to let them win a few times. |
Painting and scowling. |
A trick Mom showed us - giving the kids choices definitely seems to help them eat better. My kids can be tricked into eating a plate-full of healthy food when they think they're getting away with murder. Consequently, they eat like this a lot now. |
Almost every day of Mom's visit, it rained for a couple hours throughout the afternoon. When this happened, once the kids woke up from naps, they generally played dress-up, games, whatever. I had a lot of writing to catch up on, and like having background noise on. . . but the only thing on TV (rather, the one English-speaking channel we get clearly with our rabbit ears), is that George Zimmerman trial. |
Haven't seen over-sensationalized legal drama like this since O.J. Hopefully they wrap it up soon. . . I want my news back. |
Candyland. Which is a disaster every time it is played. |
Electronic candlelit dinner, anyone? |
Gettin' her nails did. Again. |
During one day's usual afternoon downpour, the kids were in the throws of cabin-feverish tantrums, so Mom and I decided to let them run around the driveway in the rain to burn off some steam. . . |
We didn't think they'd take to it as well as they did (Abby had to warm up to it first) |
Eventually, the swords came out. After all. . . they're Houghs. |
The duel begins. |
Alayna isn't too shabby with a plastic sword, for a five-year-old girl. . . |
. . . Abby still needs to work on her defense, though. |
The vanquished. |
Breaking out the moves on the Nintendo Wii's Just Dance for Kids. The Happy Birthday song - a fan favorite around these parts - makes me want to blow my own brains out. . . |
One of the older - and sluttier - songs my kids get into. |
Taking in some Disney's Beauty and the Beast after Nap Time, shortly before Mom had to fly out. . . |
- Brian
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