Hey kids.
January was cold as f***. While December was snowy and in the high 20s for most of the month - perfect Holiday weather, really - January was dry and ridiculously frigid. It rarely got about 20 degrees, and we had a snap halfway through the month that brought sub-arctic temperatures (with lows reaching into the -20s) that closed schools for a couple days.
Not that I'm complaining about the schools closing. I love me some days off.
Aside from
Pom, not much of anything really went down this month. We all went back to school and work following our two-week stint of vacation, and the grind once again resumed. Yours Truly attempted to get back into the
gym routine following the usual Holiday weight gain (which wasn't too bad compared to usual), but my left arm is in pretty bad shape. I was diagnosed with
Triceptal Tendinitis, which means I can't lift much with my left arm, and - probably on account of my second tattoo session (details below) - I had to have an under-arm
abscess removed the third week of the month which further prohibited me from hitting weights as much as I'd like.
That hiccup aside, things around here ran pretty smoothly (aside for my car needing a repair, which is always fun to throw money at.) Abby and the Midland JV team made it to
States this year, we got to hang out with the tribe on weekends as usual, the girls are pulling good grades in school, and - aside from the shit-ass weather we've had this month - things are good around these parts.
Not a ton to share this time around, but here's some more pics and video to keep you entertained until we check in at the end of February.
Have fun. . .
January 3rd is J.R.R. Tolkien's birthday, and after this was brought to my attention in a text thread I'm on with Kimmel and BP, I decided to mix up a cocktail and watch The Lord of the Rings. |
Kimmel and his wife, in Chicago, doing the exact same thing. |
BP, checking in from Rockford. |
Followed it up with this delicious barrel beer from Founders - a phenomenal choice for a cold, winter's night. |
Abby takes a lot of weird-ass selfies on her phone these days. . . |
After placing an order for an additional placard for our Midland High sign (seeing how Abby is a Freshman now, and Pom is her jam), we hadn't heard anything from the Booster Club (who makes them) for nearly two months. On a whim one day, after school, I swung by the dude's house to see if it the Pom sign was ready and, sure enough, it was tied up in a bag with my name on it, right there on his front porch. Nice to get a heads up from the son of a bitch. . . |
Another selfie of Abby and some of her friends at school. |
Watson has been obsessed with this pickle Bark Box toy he got at Christmas. The squeaking has been NON-STOP. All month. |
If Abby's camera roll is 99% selfies, Alayna's is 99% dog pics (and video). . . |
Samson prefers this pig throw (you stick an empty water bottle into a pocket in the body and dogs love chewing on it 'cause it makes that crackly, plastic sound. . . . and of course the head squeaks, too.) |
The Houghs are returning to Florida in June this year, hitting up all four Disney World parks with the Johnsons. This time around, we're foregoing our usual Blue Heron condo and staying at Pop Century, a Disney Resort, and because of this we decided to buy some MagicBands (you can use them as a room key, an admission ticket, a digital form of payment, etc.) We had bought everyone a MagicBand as Christmas presents this year (as you recall), but I ended up returning my boring, grey one and upgraded to this limited edition, Millennium Falcon one. Kris gave me a hard time about it because it was $20 more than the plain, solid colored ones, but I didn't care - it's badass. |
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Syncing the MagicBand+ to my Disney accounts on my phone. The LED light display during the process was kinda cool . . . |
Alayna snuck a pic of her sister rehearsing for the Rhapsody Rendezvous orchestra performance of the Indiana Jones suite. |
Hanging out at Lexi's house after school one evening, 'studying.' |
On the 9th I went to BrassCat Tattoo for a second session with Brenton, the guy who I contracted to do my left arm sleeve. Our first session took four hours, and he had told me that this second session - which would entail just doing more detail and shading work - would take about three hours. I snatched up a six-hour gift certificate for their studio on Black Friday (so, for $600, it was half off his usual, hourly rate) and was planning on using half of it for this second session, and putting the remaining three hours towards my next session (for my left forearm, or, possibly, my right bicep.) |
The left pic here is immediately after the first session, while the right pic is immediately following the second session. This second time around was far more painful than the first time, because a.) it took 5 1/2 hours instead of 3, and b.) he used white ink to create highlights in the design (and white ink, due to its chemical make-up, burns like holy hell.) The design turned out awesome, though, and he only charged me for the stated three hours (which was super nice of him, because now I can apply that remaining time towards my next session.) Stay tuned for future developments. |
Abby records a rehearsal number as part of an application to join some CMU Orchestra Camp at the end of the month. Due to this video, she was accepted and we'll get to see her play at - ugh - Central.
Abby and (I assume) a friend, stalking some poor kid at Midland High. |
Friday, after another week at work and school, settling into weekend couch mode. . . |
The Colliers invited folks over for a low-key, cards-and-football night at their house. Lots of folks were busy, but most of the Inner Five (and a few others) ended up coming out to watch the Playoffs and play some Euchre. |
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The wives hung out in the kitchen. Where they belong. |
One of my top-five favorite beers of all-time. |
We rigged up a TV in the dining room and hung out here all night. |
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Lonnie and Stephanie swung out a couple hours later and sat in for a few hands and some bourbon. |
More weird Abby selfies (our kids stayed home this evening, they didn't feel like being social.) |
When we got back, Watson was going nuts with this cactus (he's not great at playing with toys, and won't surrender them easily.)
This year, due to the rising cost of vinyl (and inflation in general), my go-to Black Friday site for cheap vinyl - soundofvinyl.us - there were no decent sales on records to be found. In previous years, I've amassed 10-15 records, most of them for like $5 - $10 a piece (usually they're 'free' and you just pay $8-$10 shipping per album, but still.) I was pretty bummed about this, but then - towards the end of December - they had a big, end-of-the-year sale. Records were half off, so I ended up picking up eight records for $120 (or about $10-$15 a piece.) Considering four of these albums you see here are double-LPs, this was a damn fine deal. |
And, to top it all off, all of these albums - with the exception of the Jimmy Buffett Christmas one - are pressed on colored vinyl. Which, you know, sounds way better. . . |
Watson, keeping the pickle close to him at all times. . . |
The usual state of Alayna's bedroom . . . |
. . . kids are the best. |
Samson, mid-yawn. |
One evening Alayna asked me to draw this rose tattoo she pinned online on her arm with a sharpie. Ever since I had my sleeve started she's been chomping at the bit to get some ink done herself. She keeps asking if she can get one at 16, but we're holding firm that she needs to be at least 18 before she starts getting into that stuff. |
Another one of Abby's sped-up selfie videos, this time in (what looks to be) the Orchestra classroom.
Abby and Kiersten, I'm assuming at school. |
The MHS JV Pom Team, dressed out in pink. . . for some reason. |
More selfies with dogs. |
One Sunday evening, the girls went down to the Farmer's Market by the Tridge to pay their respects to one of Alayna's classmates who was killed in a car accident on her way to school the previous week. Alayna actually slept over at this girl's house a few times in 5th grade, and they had been in classes together over the years, but weren't necessarily close anymore. Still, this kid's passing - which was a total accident due to typical, Michigan icy roads - rocked the city, and did more for improving Alayna's winter driving than dozens of parental lectures ever could have. |
Later that evening, cramming for a test with Lexi and Amelia. |
Abby, meanwhile, wanted to study for a test up at Bigby's. |
Not sure why this deserved a selfie, but whatever. |
The next morning, all the schools throughout central Michigan closed for TWO DAYS due to insanely cold weather (thanks, Polar Vortex.) Temperatures got as low as -13 in the early morning, but with wind chill the Real Feel was closer to -23. We all hunkered down indoors and stayed warm - enjoying two days off of work and school - but on the first morning we were at home I opened up the blinds and discovered the inside of the big, living room window had ice frozen on the inside of it. |
At first I was freaking out that there was something wrong with our window, but after Googling it I discovered that this happens if you have the blinds closed and air can't properly circulate. Once the blinds were opened the ice melted right away. |
Big fan of two days off of school. |
Kris still had to work - because she opted for a field that isn't in public education - but got to catch up on her couch time in the evenings. |
Pom practices were optional for these two days, and Abby only ended up going to one of the practices (like most of her teammates.) Group might wanna brush up on their skills before the two, big competitions next month.
That Friday, Kris went out with the rest of the moms to a bar for some drinks and clucking. While there, a bunch of them ordered. . . whatever the hell this is. |
Watson, as usual standing guard over our property. |
Fully healed and ready for touch-ups next month. Like I said before, I still have three hours of tattoo credit, but I think I'm going to pause for a few months and spend more time researching elements to use in the forearm section of my sleeve. Not really the sorta thing you want to rush (you know, 'cause it's permanent and all that.) |
Kris and I ran to Costco on Saturday and, while we were there, bought this giant, plush Spider-Man pillow for Alayna (she's a big fan of the Miles Morales incarnation and the newer movies.) |
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Sunday afternoon Kris and I headed up to Brass Cat Tattoo for their Grand Opening (up to this point they were doing the common small business practice of 'soft opening.') |
Super excited Brenton has his own studio now, him and his fiance did a great job setting it up (I didn't take any pics inside 'cause that might have been weird, but you can look them up on Instagram if you're super curious about it.) |
Kris did take one selfie of us while inside having drinks, I guess. Definitely not one of our better couple pics. |
On the way home, after the Grand Opening, we swung by CVS to pick up a prescription for Kris, and while we were waiting for our pickup we witnessed this absolute THUG slowly creeping down the street. Going 2mph, giving absolutely zero f***s. Not all heroes wear capes, folks. |
Abby, as stated before, thoroughly enjoys documenting her 'getting ready' process. |
Don't hurt yourselves, guys. |
On her way to yet another pom practice. |
Pom practices have been about six times a week as we get closer and closer to States and MPA competitions (both in early/mid-February.) Girls are in serious crunch mode. |
Outside the school one evening after practice with Mrs. Mammassian, the girls' orchestra teacher.
From the bowels of social media. . . . |
The last day of the month, Kris and Courtney dropped Abby and Ella (and some other kid) off at (ugh) CMU for some intense, day-long, orchestra workshop. One of those things you have to audition for, then - if you're accepted into the program - the facilitators train you for hours and hours, culminating in a concert (for families) in the evening. While they were hard at work at the college, Kris and Courtney seriously shopped around Mt. Pleasant for like eight hours. Erik and I were busy at work, in case any of you guys out there were curious. |
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After work, Erik and I carpooled down M-20 to Mt. Pleasant and met up with our significant others at The Cabin - some place that passes as a 'bar' in Chippewa Country. Rest assured, readers, Yours Truly made sure to wear his Western Michigan University gear while he was there. Got a few looks (and comments), but nothing I couldn't glare down. |
After our meals and drinks, we headed over to the CMU theater for the girls' orchestra performance(s.) There were three different orchestras performing, three songs each, with Abby and Ella split up into different groups (probably for the best, knowing those two.) |
Once again, I apologize for the lack of video, here - each of these songs clocked in around five or six minutes, which are obviously too big to upload here to Blogger (they seriously need to raise the limit on max file sizes. . .) |
I had to step out, mid-concert, and piss at one point - those couple, tall beers at The Cabin were finally catching up to me. On my way back to my seat, I was stopped in the vestibule (is that the right name for it?) by some college kid working the door until the orchestra had finished performing a song. So yeah - that about does it for January. See you kiddies next month. . . |
- Brian