Ella and Abby with the Northeast Pom Squad |
Hey Internet,
So Houghs, as it is well-known, aren't usually thought of as 'athletes.' Sure, some of us exercise - running, biking, walking, my brother does Crossfit, I guess. . . but the only time any Hough has ever participated in a team sport was back in the late '90s when I used to ski for Clare High School. Of course, Abby played soccer for one season, but that was when she was, like, six. . . they didn't even have frickin' goalies, so we really can count that.
Assembling and practicing behind the school before the game. |
Well, this year Abby joined the ranks of
actual school sports, taking up
Poms for
Northeast, along with her BFF,
Ella. The two of them were both a little nervous about undertaking this, but so long as the other was also doing it, they motivated each other into giving it a shot. After a few practices, they both quickly fell in love with it, and today, dear readers, they had their first performance (during halftime at a home football game.)
I wasn't able to go to this, due to my own school's Curriculum Night, but Kris and the Johnson's hooked us all up with some pictures and videos of the girls' performance.
Enjoy. . .
Older sister photobombs again. . . |
Erik shared these pictures with us - not sure who took them (it wasn't Kris or the Johnsons), but whoever it was had an SLR, that's for sure. |
Ella gets serious. |
For whatever reason, our two girls are always right up front and center with everything they ever do together. |
Starting the routine. . . |
(Erik's vantage point, a little farther back up in the stands.) |
The Northeast Fight Song. They're a little rusty, but not too bad for their first time.
Some random kid (I think this chick used to be in the girls' Girl Scout Troop), Ella, and Abby |
Showing off some Viking nails (yes, in case you were wondering, Courtney and Ella came over to our house last night so all four ladies could do their nails together for the big game.) |
The Viking Pom Team. . . squinting into the sun like weirdos. |
- Brian