They erected weird fences this year. Not sure why. |
Welcome back, friends.
Once again, our Midland Friend Group decided to collectively camp out at Jellystone Campgrounds in Grayling during the summer. Last year, as you'll recall, went over really well, and therefore we all wanted to recreate the exact same camping trip this year. Sites for 2021 went live at 9am one morning in early January, and our friend group - communicating on Facebook Messenger throughout the process - quickly snatched up almost the entirety of Gray Island, our same haunt as last year.
An hour after arrival, base camp established. |
This year saw all the same families return for action: the Houghs, DeBoers, Johnsons, Larsons, Colliers, Griffins, and Butterfields. We were joined this time around by some additional families, too: the Jacksons (Kris' best friend Kim, who was one of her bridesmaids, and her husband and daughter), the Nadgaudas, and the Bardens (minus Brad, who was off selling his cigars again in New York City.) As usual,
we arrived first and quickly began setting up our tents (it threatened rain that afternoon, which fortunately never came to fruition, but at the time I wasn't wanting to risk having our gear get wet.) Not too much 'Houghing out' this year, so I'm kinda proud of myself.
Anyway, I'll leave you know with the first installment of our 2021 Jellystone Camping Trip.
Behold. . .
I think Jellystone set up these fences due to our Gypsy Tent Village (a.k.a. Shanty Town) last year, in a desperate attempt to section off tents into their designated spaces. Nice try, Jellystone. |
Taking a moment to dry off (it was humid as hell while setting up the tents) and try out my brand-new camping chair throne that I purchased off Amazon for this trip. She's a beaut, folks (and comes with a side table and cup holder.) |
About an hour after we arrived, the Colliers, DeBoers, and Larsons all rolled in, practically at the same time. We set about determining how the overall layout of the tents, tables and food canopies would go, and I assisted an uncharacteristically slow Ryan in getting his family's tent up. |
The Johnsons and Butterfields join the fray. |
The bonfire area, complete with a ring of tiki torches. Of course. |
Having completed set up, the kids all ran off for the bounce pad, pool, and playground, and adults got to chill and relax with some drinks. |
Erik, Lonnie and BP giving me shit for the drink I was mixing up. Zero faith from these guys. |
Morgan, Matt Butterfield, and Ryan. |
Mees and a couple DeBoers |
Taking a break from swimming. Left to Right: Sophie, Ella, Abby and Alivia. |
We parents had to agree on a price cap for money we were giving the kids every day: there were vehicles like this kids could rent, along with go-kart looking things, a full arcade/game room, souvenir store, and ice cream parlor. $10 a day per kid (we had three, since Alayna brought a friend this year), was more than reasonable. |
Behold the pantry. Eventually every inch of these tables would be littered with foods and snacks. |
Getting dinner started on Erik's fancy Blackstone grill. |
Danielle, Amy, and Kris |
Busting out the cornhole boards. We brought three sets up this year, and they all saw heavy use. |
We took turns on meals again this year, each family sponsoring - or co-sponsoring - one of the main meals. This time around the Larsons (and some other family, I forget which one) did burgers and dogs. |
Morgan lays down brats. |
Shout out to all the animals that died for our enjoyment this evening. |
Danielle grilling up some bacon cheeseburgers. |
Yes, they were just as awesome as they look. |
Chow time |
Erik and Ryan, back at the boards, following dinner. |
Amy, Lonnie, Deanna and Stephanie. |
Mees, Courtney, Omkar, Danielle, and Alivia |
Morgan showing BP, Matt (Kim's husband) and Erik pics of his newly renovated kitchen (he built, assembled, painted, and installed everything himself - the dude's a machine.) |
Later on in the evening, preparing to wind down around the fire. |
(I love me some tiki torches.) |
The close of the first night. Stay tuned for more, folks. . . |
- Brian
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