Samson, relaxing on the beach. |
What's up, folks.
So usually this time of year, the middle of July, would see the Houghs converge on Eight Point Lake for a two-week stint of boating, boozing, feasting and corn holing. I've mentioned all this before, but due to the fact that we own our own family lakehouse now, and can go up to the lake whenever we want, there's no great gathering of family for days and days at a time. In fact, we're now to the point where if any family stays up at the cottage, it's a big deal. The days of nearly week-long adventures on the lake are now distant memories.
So this weekend, folks, was a big deal. At least by 2021 standards.
Abby and the Larson kid, Sophie. |
This weekend was our 'big' annual weekend at the lake: both my family and my brother Chris' family stayed a couple nights up there, with the Whites driving up every day to visit (they live 20 minutes away, there's no point in crashing at the cottage.) We allowed both girls to bring up a friend with them, seeing how they're now to that age where hanging out with your parents, sibling, and extended family is no longer cool, and kept them all in the lowest level of the cottage to isolate their noisy asses from my brothers' super-young kids. Our annual
Cornhole Tournament was held Sunday, and we had huge grillouts for dinner all weekend, as well as almost-continuous boating, tubing, kayaking, swimming, and sandbar'ing.
Typical Eight Point Lake business, just on a much smaller scale.
Check it out. . .
We rolled in Friday, late in the morning, with Kris hauling up Abby and her friend, Sophie, and Yours Truly bringing up Alayna and her friend, Cristina, who came up to the cottage a couple years ago. After arriving and settling in, Alayna and Cristina opted to hang out downstairs in the kid level of the cottage (nice because they have their own bedroom, living room, and bathroom down there), watching frickin' anime, while Abby and Sophie immediately hit the water to kayak. |
My new JBL Xtreme 2 bluetooth speaker, supplying the waterfront with jams. Thing has ridiculously good sound, is waterproof, and is practically indestructible. |
Sun wasn't completely out yet, so it was a little too chilly for most other folks to get in the water yet. |
Out comes the Lily Pad. . . |
After the kids swam for a bit, they started asking for golf kart rides around the lake. Kris had to run into town to help out her mom, so Yours Truly was left on solo-parenting detail for awhile. Fun. Times. |
All four kids wanted to sit in the back (who knows why), so I had to force Alayna and Abby to take turns sitting up front with me. Kids fight about the stupidest shit. |
These things are, admittedly, pretty fun to drive.
A new toy up at the lakehouse this year - we haven't had a jet ski on Eight Point Lake in probably 15 years or so. This became a HUGE hit with the kids, and because Yours Truly doesn't feel comfortable docking other folks' boats on the dock hoists, this allowed me an opportunity to buzz kids around the lake at a moment's notice, ferry kids to the sandbar and back, etc. without issue. |
Cristina and the Cannonball. |
Coming back in after doing donuts with Abby and Sophie for a bit. |
Back to kayaks. |
Now it's the older kids' turn. . . |
Getting dangerously close to knocking themselves unconscious on the dock. Frickin' kids. . .
Snack time with Nana in the kitchen. |
Taking a break with some Donkey Kong (Dad set up the Nintendo Classic I got him for a Christmas a few years ago downstairs - it works out well.) |
Guess Who. An Eight Point Lake staple. |
Back in the water, later on in the evening. The sun finally out. |
Later on in the evening, Cristina and Alayna watching a sunset on the dock. |
Built a fire for the evening so the girls could do s'mores. We were going to take out the pontoon for a sunset cruise, but dad messed up something on his hoist and the battery that powers the lift was dead - he had to charge it overnight so we could use the pontoon the rest of the weekend. The girls were disappointed, but the prospect of s'mores cheered 'em up. |
'Merica. |
Roasting some marshmallows. |
Cristina, Abby, and Sophie |
Sunset pictures on Eight Point are required by law. |
Cindy plays Truth or Dare with the girls. |
Sure, let's turn every light on in the Cottage. F*** the electric bill. |
That's it for Day One, folks - stay tuned for more. . . |
- Brian
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