Sunday, June 2, 2019

Two Birthdays, One Party

Samwise was NOT a fan of being around a bunch of strange people.
What's up, gang.

Remember last year, when Kris and I decided to take a page from the ol' White Family Playbook, and hosted a combination birthday party for our kids, with just family in attendance?  Well, things worked out so well last year that we decided to do it again this year (and will probably continue to do so into the foreseeable future.)

Moms, discussing mom stuff.
This time around, however, there weren't nearly as many people in attendance.  Our good friends, Smitty and Rita, are in the process of moving into a new house, my brother Chris and his wife, Nicole, are in the process of closing on one down in Indiana, and Cindy and my step-sister Jill, and her family, are all down in Myrtle Beach.  Marcy's husband, Scott, and my grandpa were both too sick or tired to come out as well, and so it really just boiled down to me and Kris' folks, Chris' twin boys (that Mom was watching while they were down in Indiana) and my brother Jeff and his family.  A small showing, to be sure, but we made it work.

Here's how we spent Sunday afternoon:

Happy camper.
Papa John and the twins, bustin' out some of the girls' old Duplos.
Jeff and his boys wrap up a not-at-all-healthy afternoon lunch.
Pretty tame spread compared with last year's, but we weren't really feeding all that many people, so we didn't worry about making a whole hell of a lot.  Kris had some pork loins she threw together in her beloved InstantPot, a salad, macaroni salad, and chips and salsa.  That's it.
Levi spent the majority of the time he was at our house just aimlessly wandering around trying to open doors.  It's no wonder my brother's going bald.
Starting to chill out a bit.  After an hour.
These balloons (leftover from Abby's sleepover birthday party) were a big hit - helped get the twins eased into being around all the other family members.
Dad goofin' around with Louis.
Marcy and Alayna (who's almost as tall as her now.)
Playing catch.  Or not.
Watson was in and out of everyone's business throughout the afternoon.  Stupid dog couldn't just sit down and nap on the couch like he usually does. . .
Hanging out with Grandma Jordan on the garden bench. . .
Meanwhile, Jeff's kids are unsupervised on the trampoline.  That's some good parenting, right there.
Time for mandatory cake-and-singing time.
Abby is not amused.
Jeff's kids insisted on flanking ours for this.
Digging into sugar. . .
Taking care of Levi's nutritional needs.
If it's one thing Louis appreciates, it's ice cream.
Sam never let go of this balloon.  Not even for ice cream.

- Brian

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