Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Holy Grail

Welcome back, readers.

*Cue fanfare*

Today I accepted a Social Studies position at a public middle school in a nearby school district.  I'll be teaching 8th grade American History (they call it 'Individuals in Society' up here, considering it's a MYP International baccalaureate school and they're really into the cultural acclimation at this school), and I'll be starting the Tuesday following Labor Day.

The long quest for a contract position is over.  One year and one week to the day after returning home to Michigan.

That's not to say I've been unemployed this whole time, though;  far from it, readers.  I've been working my ass off, but it's never been under a long-term contract, and the pay wasn't what I had been making in Florida.  Now, finally, I'll be back to where I was at in Osceola County, and back to a level of stability and regularity I haven't seen since June of 2015.

This is what I expect teaching U.S. History will be like.
This opens up many doors for the Houghs, namely that we'll finally be able to start looking for houses to buy instead of rent (we'll probably start looking this winter after the holidays, since we renewed our current lease and will be in our current rental until June.)  I can't even begin to describe how much I loathe our current house.

Anyway, just wanted to share that bit of good news this evening.  Yours Truly is back in the saddle, ready to wage educational warfare on a brand new horde of young minds.

Get ready for craziness. . .

- Brian

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