Saturday, November 21, 2015

Winter is Coming...

First Snow of the 2015 Winter
This has been a day loooooooong coming, America.

Today, for the first time in their lives, my daughters experienced the glory of a First Snow.

Sure, they've been in snow before, but they don't remember any of it (it was Christmas 2010, so the Cannonball was 2 1/2 and Abby 6 months old.)  Ever since the weather began to cool off (around mid-September, thereabouts), they've been asking about when the stupid snow will fall.

And today it did.

Of course, since it's been in the upper-40s/mid-50s range for weeks now, the ground is still fairly warm, so the likelihood of any snow actually staying on the ground is slim-to-none.  Still, forecasters initially said we'd get about four or five inches of snow throughout today, and - believe it or not, considering it is Michigan and all - they were right.

And so, I present to you now the girls' First Snow of the 2015 season. . .
We came up from the basement this morning and I saw the first flurries start to fall, so I told the girls and they promptly lost their shit.  After a few minutes, I started recording (still pissed I didn't get that initial reaction, though.)

Suited up and ready for snow (can you tell she's excited?)
Once the neighbor kids saw that our kids were outside frolicking in this stuff, they rushed over (and YES, Abby is eating the snow off my car.)
Troubleshooting one of our pre-lit Christmas trees.  I got this one from the Midland Community of Christ Church, which is closing its doors and consequently getting rid of a ton of stuff.  Mom didn't think this would work, but it totally does. . . so now our family has a fall-back/secondary Christmas tree for the Holiday season.  BOOYA.
Abby relishes in the fact that snow is edible.
Kris, fashionable as always, ventures forth into the cold to converse with our neighbors across the street.
Shoveling snow off my car is a collaborative activity.
(still eating snow.)
Time for the telephoto lens. . .
They'll hate the snow come February.  I keep tellin' 'em.
She has a possible career in window-washing ahead of her.
Only kids can pull of hats like this.  If I wore this around, I'd probably be arrested.
The kids try making their very first snow/grass angels.
Garland.  Keepin' it festive.
God's dandruff.
Snow on Ivy Lane
While other more 'Michigan-y' kids might make Snowmen, or other such works of art, this is what MY Florida-bred kids came up with.  Go figure.

- Brian

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