Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Give 'Em to the State


Ready for school
After what could definitely be considered the Longest Summer in Recorded History, the school buses have finally revved up their engines, the backpacks have finally been readied, and we're finally kicking our kids' butts right off to school.


It should come to no one's surprise that we've had our fill with kids lately.  They've been out of school since early June (when Florida lets out), and, unlike Florida, Michigan does not go back to school in mid-August.  No, up here - for whatever reason - they wait until after Labor Day (Sept. 8th, folks) to kick off the school year.

That's, like, an extra three or four weeks of summer, America.  Not cool.

Our girls were both accepted to an excellent elementary school about a mile away from our house, and, for now, it looks like we'll be picking them up and dropping them off every day(they don't bus kids unless you live more than a mile away, unfortunately.)  Of course, when we start working, we'll have to juggle those responsibilities, but for now it's nice having the flexibility.

Here's some Back to School pics for you - enjoy. . .

Alayna (a.k.a. Snaggletooth) is going into 2nd Grade this year, believe it or not. . .
Abby is starting Kindergarten. . . which is crazy.
(Okay, I know this shirt reads 'Pugs and Kisses,' but I think it'd be waaay more badass if it read 'Pug Life.'  Just sayin'.)
New fancy backpacks (Abby's lights up, if you look closely - it's obnoxious.)
We moved the photo session inside, 'cause it was pouring rain outdoors and the lighting sucked.
Gotta have one with the dog.  I guess.
He's not cool with this.
Umbrellas at the ready for the First Day of School.
Abby was understandably pretty nervous about her first day of school, and, sure enough, after we dropped her off in her new classroom, she came running out after us and clung to Kris for dear life.  Kris brought her back into the classroom while I continued on with Alayna, and sat her back down at her seat.  Fortunately, one of the boys in our neighborhood (who lives just down the street from us) sits right next to her at their table, so that helped with the transition some. . .
Alayna's 2nd grade classroom.
The grizzled vet, the Cannonball wasn't nervous at all about her first day back at school  I fear more for her teacher at this point. . .

- Brian

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