Monday, September 21, 2015

A Quick Pre-Fall Roundup

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Well, we're back into the grind, America.

Alarm clocks, homework, daily morning fights over hair and outfits.  As crazy as it sounds, I've kinda missed the chaos of the School Year.

Two weeks into their first academic year in Michigan, the girls have fallen back into the routine of school pretty well (so far.)  I'm not sure if it's because they're coming from out of state, or if it's due to me and Kris' superb parenting skills, but both girls seem to be ahead of their classes.  In reading, at least (alas, I think they've inherited my 'talent' for math).  They're making friends, and - miraculously - have even managed to stay out of trouble so far (cross thy fingers.)

Fancy new threads.
On the tails of this school year kick-off has come the cooler weather we all knew would be arriving sooner or later.  Its cooling down into the '60s now, so the girls are starting to be able to try out some of the numerous fall/winter jackets they've scored since moving back up to Michigan.  Still a novelty at this point for these little Florida babies - I have a feeling their tune is going to change come January/February, once winter has fully set in and the snow is no longer 'cool.'

(excuse the pun.)

On the job front, we have some sort-of-good-news: Kris landed a job at a dentist office here in Midland, where she'll be working the front desk and possibly going into dental assistancy (is that a word?)  While this is a completely new occupational field for her, the type of work she'll be starting off with is relatively similar to what she was doing before down in Orlando, so it's a good fit.  They're giving her full benefits, too, and her hourly rate working part time equates to what she was making full-time at her last job, which ideal for her because she enjoys the extra time with our kids (who knows why.)

Yours Truly, meanwhile, has finished the process of enrolling in the Michigan teaching network, and, as soon as my paperwork clears, I'll be able to start subbing in local schools up here.  From what I gather, that's how you get hired in schools up here - you develop a reputation for being an awesome sub, they get you on a long-term sub gig, and then they hire you.  Obviously not a guaranteed thing, nor ideal, but we're still doing well financially, so there's no real pressure (yet.)

Pumpkin beer from Michigan's own Arcadia Brewing Co.
Finally, to wrap up today's installment, I'd like to point out that we've officially kicked off Fall Beer Season - my second favorite beer season (behind the Imperial Stout Season, coming this winter.)  I guess we know where my disposable income is going for awhile.

'Til next time,

- Brian

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