Thursday, June 4, 2015

Once Again, 'Twould Appear That Congraduations are in Order...

Hunter's Creek Elementary
I don't know about you, World, but I think it's kinda ridiculous that our culture here in the States celebrates mediocrity to the degree that it does.  I don't know if it's an American institution or what, this idea of rewarding students and athletes and what-have-you an acknowledgement or prize of some kind for simply participating.

Pretty sure the ancient Greeks never awarded laurels to 'Runners Up' in Olympia.

Anyway, I bring this up because, as we did once before, the Houghs attended yet another grand celebration of Mediocrity:

Guess which kid's a Hough.  Go ahead.  Guess.
Abby's Pre-School Graduation.

And, like last time, this fell on my last day of school. . . which I was actually cool with this year 'cause my afternoon classes were a pain in the ass this year.  I was able to leave work at lunch, swing by the house to change into quasi-formal wear and grab my camera gear, and head over to Hunter's Creek Elementary School for what turned out to be. . . well, just what you'd expect.

Smurf it:

Opening statements, courtesy of Ms. Roberta, the head Director at Sunchild.
Exhibiting some serious patience, here.
This ceremony - like Alayna's two years earlier - followed a pretty clear-cut program, clocking in under a half hour ('cause, you know, it has a bunch of four and five-year-olds sitting in chairs on a stage in front of an auditorium full of SLR-wielding parents.)  Opening remarks, a few songs, distribution of diplomas, and - why the hell not - a dance party.
Belting out the hits (not nearly as shy as her older sister.)
Gang signs.
. . . actually, speaking of gangs, I think it's cool that Abby got to dress up as a Blood this year, while her sister's graduating class went as Crips.
Embarrassed by something or other, who knows. . .
No idea.  It's Abby.
Walking up to get her 'diplomas.'
(That's her head teacher, Ms. Vivienne.)
The graduate returns to her seat.
I'm not sure if these were printed certificates, or mere sheets of blank copy paper.  Not that it matters either way, really - it's basically a prop.
(They were instructed to place the diplomas under their seat after receiving them. . . but apparently one of her classmates confused 'diplomas' with 'urine', based on the pool visible underneath the seat behind Abby's to the left.)
She was really, really proud of this 'achievement.'
Impromptu dance party, feat. Pharrell's Happy. . . 'cause mankind hasn't possibly heard that jam enough.
Abby does not appreciate her teachers' dance moves.
A photo op with all of the VPK teachers, as a courtesy to the camera-wielding masses.
Mom and Abby (and flowers.)
Ms. Mary Beth, Ms. Vivienne, and Ms. Marilyn
Not sure who this other kid is.
Yet another photobomb, courtesy of the Cannonball.
For whatever reason, Abby was not cool with idea of having a picture taken with her sister.  
. . . so of course Alayna has to become overly-emotional about the whole ordeal.  Having two girls is AWESOME.
Color-Coordinated Hough Family Picture.
Filling in as my photo assistant for the afternoon.
As we made our way to our Tactical Family Transport Vehicle, Abby's teachers rushed out to say goodbye to the kids.
. . . and now we can look forward to repeating this process in twelve or thirteen years. 

- Brian

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