Friday, March 6, 2015

Dad's 2nd Date

Posing with some lilies in the front yard. . .
What's up, party people.

You guys remember that time I had to take Alayna to a dance at her school?  Remember that?   Well, turns out that's sort of an annual thing; being her dad I guess I have to take my daughter(s) to a dance once a year.

. . . and they don't even serve booze.  What the hell, John Young?

Anyway, here's some pics from our second 'date.'


Kris got adventurous with the Cannonball's hairstyle this year. . .
Alayna emulates her little sister. . .
Shimmyin' along the neighbors' house.  Who knows why.
Super date.
Abby photobomb

Yes.  They 'rolled out the red carpet.'  Nyuck nyuck.
(Those paparrazos aren't real.)
Cannonball and King
This year's dance theme had something to do with the Oscars.  Or movies.  Or something.
Healthy dinner
Kickin' off two hours of shitty, shitty pop music. . .
Funky Chicken time.  There is no earthly horror imaginable that compares to this.
Alayna once again latched onto one or two dance partners throughout the duration of the evening.
I forget what's going on here.  I think it's the quiet part of that one 'SHOUT' song from the '60s, but I could be wrong.
Cupcakes, Round 2.
No paparazzi. . . but a legion of dads with smartphones?  Totally cool.

- Brian

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