Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rise of the Padawon JamMasters

What's up, gangsters.

I guess it should come as no great surprise that the daughters of a licensed JamMaster should grow up with a desire to play music and perform on a stage.  Makes sense - music's in their blood.  I've tried encouraging this as much as possible, too; I've started giving Alayna piano lessons (introductory ones, mind you - she's still only four) and last year I bought her a small ukulele (if you'll be so kind to remember) so she could follow in her ol' man's footsteps.  So far she's shown considerable interest in both, which is awesome.

Adventure music, ca. 2002
Thanks to our princess friends at Disney, she's also grown up with a desire to sing - dramatically - on a stage.  The other day I gave her an old microphone that had seen action during my years serving as a JamMaster with the legendary Virgil Q's Dixieland Kazoo Revue.  It had been broken years ago, so I had no qualms handing it over to a preschooler - it still looked and felt like the real thing, and there's nothing she could do it that hadn't already been done to it by a bunch of drunks.

So, armed with her new microphone, the Cannonball has been treating us to a slew of 'concerts' around the house lately.

Here's an example:


- Brian

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