Monday, July 4, 2011

F*** You, King George III

Independence Day.

Check it:

Fourth of July Festival @ Osprey Park - Hunter's Creek, FL. We go every year for the Fourth, as well as for their Halloween shin-digs (as you'll remember).

The Battle Wagon - unfortunately it doesn't come with an umbrella

Alayna rocking some Dora band-aids (courtesy of the stovetop burner she tried using as an armrest...)

Lots of vendors, food, kids games, and weird people. Generally you can get all kinds of free crap from the local businesses, and the kids are usually entertained. Booze is pricey, though.

I wanted Alayna to try out these hamster ball-ish things, but she was too much of a coward.

More of Osprey Park


Bounce Housin'

Knocking each other down - never gets old

Abby, desperately trying to maintain her footing in the Toddler Zone.

Alayna chooses floating eggs from some inflatable duck pool. Not that challenging of a game - it's all luck of the draw. She ended up winning a shit-ton of candy, so she was satisfied.

The Crappiest Duck Game in the World...

Stretching legs...

Checking out the Petting Zoo.

Turtle Power.

Nothing larger than a goat, so I wasn't all that impressed. How hard is it to spring for a donkey, Hunter's Creek? Seriously.

Petting bunnies (not pictured: Kris, watching).

Getting lice from bunnies...


Yours Truly and offspring. It was unbearably hot out - the heat index was something like 132, thereabouts.

Snack Break

The Cannonball devours a $4 Snow cone

Kris gets some clownwork done.

Alayna gets 'inked.'

Getting Inked by Clowns...

Abby was more interested in chips. The whole day.

Ol' Wobbly

These games were rigged. I didn't win shit.


After the kids' nap time, we met up with the Wolowiecs at the Orlando Science Center. They're annual ticket holders, and were able to get us in for pretty much nothing. The Science Center is close to downtown, and from their fourth floor terrace we had a pretty decent commanding view of the downtown skyline.

The Orlando Science Center

Science Center Dinosaur Exhibit


More Dinosaurs!

Even more Dinosaurs!

Our kid checking out Dinosaurs!

We swapped out the wagon for the double-stroller (...though with the crap-tastic elevator system the Orlando Science Center employs, we should've just strapped the damn kids and random bags to our backs like frickin' pack mules. Would've been way easier.)

Digging up 'fossils'...


This reminded me of Mother Brain from Metroid

Freelance Meteorology

The Terrace

Our view for the fireworks Awaiting fireworks.

Watching Fireworks

I didn't take any pictures of the fireworks themselves, because they didn't turn out so great (I didn't feel like messing with a tripod), and because the fireworks weren't as close as we thought they'd be.

Plus, they're fireworks. We've all seen fireworks. Hell, you saw some tonight.

Happy Independence Day, players.
- Brian

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