as i've stated before, readers, on occasion, bein' a teacher does have its perks. summers off, weekends and holidays off, and quasi-adorable license plates to name a few.

another perk for educators, as it would seem, is $100 off a computer for the upcoming school year... along with a free iPod of your choice.

my old laptop is an iBook G3, folks (for those of you who have absolutely no idea what that means, its comparable to yours truly puttin' around in a 1993 plymouth voyager made up of three or four different body frame parts). kris' computer, while still operable, is getting up there in age as well, and is beginning to run slow with age. taking all of this into consideration, i decided that with my part of our 2010 tax refund, we were going to buy ourselves a new, fancy MacBook Pro laptop... thereby bringing us back into the 21st century.

you see, kris and i came up with a system a couple years ago in regards to tax season. generally, i keep about one-third of the tax money and blow it on new toys for around the house, where as kris keeps the remaining two-thirds of our refund money and puts it to more responsible ends - paying off debt, adding to savings, blah blah blah. last year, for example, we got ourselves new cell phones, a big ol' HDTV, and an iPod classic (for yours truly)... and kris put the rest into various accounts and other such boring nonsense. so the plan was to be for the 2010 tax season.
that was before i devised a most ingenious plan towards the purchasing of a new computer.
as you already know, i'm not only a teacher, but i'm also a student (and not a bad one at that either, surprisingly enough). as a student, i had to take out ass-loads of student loans in order to fund my master's degree, and all that money had been sitting dormant in one of our random savings accounts all these long months. and so, i decided that since that money wasn't going anywhere, and the time for obtaining my educational discount on a new computer (and free iPod) was running out, that i'd just go ahead and buy the damn thing now and use my third of the tax money to refund the savings account.

and so, dear readers, i got myself a new MacBook Pro, and i gave the Mrs. an iPod Touch for her birthday. not a shabby bit of financin', if i do say so myself.
Jesus, i should write a book on this crap...
- brian
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