Monday, May 18, 2009

The 3rd Annual Hough Disney Adventure (with Pictures)

holy crap... touristing is a tiring, tiring affair.

over the course of the last week, i have successfully traded in my dress slacks for swimming trunks, my I.D. lanyard for a disney fastass, and my pen holster for a straw hat and eye-patch.

i have ceased writing papers for grad school, and have replaced this time-consuming practice with the art of aimlessly walking about over-priced theme parks in the pursuit of themed rides with animatronic robots and short lines.

i have substituted my relatively healthy lunches at work for deep-fried dishes of God-knows-what, and my morning pots of coffee for blenders full of daiquaris and margaritas. instead of tolerating the hordes and hordes of teenagers, i instead tolerate the blistering florida sun and 95 degree weather.

...and it has been awesome.

as we come to the close of yet another, successful hough clan extravanganza, i feel it necessary to point out that this adventure, though quite similar to the previous endeavors by our people, marked the first inclusion of the next generation of houghs setting foot on disney property.

our nephews (blake and bradley) as well as our own tax deduction (the cannonball) broke in their amusement park shoes in proper form. true, while our kid has traversed some of the parks before, this time around saw a greater indulgence in rides and so forth.

alayna tried her hand at several rides over the course of the last week - she liked some, hated others. we've included pictures, here, for your review, and urge you to check out the following site (my dad's) in order to further review what i'm sure will go down as the grandest of all hough family disney vacations...

...until possibly next year, when we do it all over again.

horribly exhausted and sun-ravaged,

- brian

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