Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mr. Hough Returns to Social Studies

hey kids.

well, as you may all remember, the state of florida decided to 'hate on' its teachers and staff last year. i don't really know what we ever to did to mr. or mrs. state to offend it so, but whatever we did do must've been bad enough to trigger termination fest '08.

holy yowzers.

yours truly was able to survive (somehow) last spring's budget holocaust and the consequential mass-exodus of teachers from my school that resulted from it. now is the time, with job security hanging by a thread and the economy showing every telltale sign that we pissed it off too, to up the level of badass-itude.
as i return once more to the educational battlefield that is 7th grade social studies this year, i bring holstered at my side more diversified lesson plans, better differentiated instruction, some fresh-out-of-the-box ideas, and a whole cache of flashy new posters for my walls.

this post, however, will not be about what i plan on doing this year in my classroom. when it comes to teaching, i've never been one to toot my own horn (i hate the people who do so). some folks can go on and on about their job and their personal philosophies concerning their job and how there job makes the world a better place and how 'totally awesome' they are at their job.

i hate those people. i am not one of them.

nay, i'm using this post today to show off some pictures of my new room. that's it.


the greatest thing to happen to public education since the no child left behind act,

- mr. hough

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