Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Goodbye Kindercare

After a year and some odd months and after my wonderful summer of maternity leave, I have made the final decision to NOT return to Kindercare. It wasn't a hard decision to make either. The opportunity awaiting me had far better benefits and it's right around the corner from where we live.
So, down the road a little ways, a preschool classroom is awaiting my arrival in a week. This independently owned daycare has offered me $1 more an hour, 4 longer shifts a week instead of 5 so I can stay home with Alayna an extra day, and a discount on childcare! So, things are finally looking up in this neck of the woods. The only downfall is we have to suck up putting Alayna in a family run daycare in the meantime while waiting for a space to become available. I'd feel better about this if I could understand half the people I've met with. Wish us luck as far as that goes. But if its temporary, I can live with it. Without a doubt she'll be coming to work with me when she turns 1 year old. Thank you Primose Schools !


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