Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas in Clare

What's up, homies.

The Holiday Gauntlet Run continues as the Houghs enter Day 3 of Yuletide tomfoolery, as always entailing our annual Day-After-Christmas trek up to Clare in order to celebrate with the extended Hough Clan.

Unlike the last few years, where we picked up a QDoba order for Cindy in Midland at 11am and then driving up to Clare laden down with about 50 lbs of awesome Mexican food, this year we were slated to head up there around 1pm.  Cindy had been burned a few times with the Midland Qdoba, so she wanted to try out the Mt. Pleasant location instead, and consequently didn't need folks at the house until after 1pm.  This meant that the traditional mimosa window (pre-noon, for you non-drinkers out there) was out the window, so us and the Whites decided to 'pre-game' celebrate over at the Whites house this year.

We showed up to their house around 10:45am, where we met up with them and, shortly after, my brother Chris and his fam.  And so kicked off another Hough Family Christmas in Clare - check it out. . .

(Spot the nephew.)
(Again. . . spot another nephew.)
The kids entertain themselves while the adults drink orange juice and cheap champagne.
The Hough Girls, doing what they do best.

Chris, playing with some dolls.
The Freshman enjoys her picture being taken.
I let Abby walk around with my SLR for awhile.  At least someone in this family besides me feels the need to take pictures during social gatherings.
Louis and Jax
A series of pics I found on my camera card after Abby had my camera for about a half an hour (she took like a hundred pics, but most of them were what you'd expect) . . .
Around 12:45, we decided to head to Dad and Cindy's. 
We made a pit-stop off at Marcy's - since we couldn't host people on Christmas Eve, on account of the blizzard - to drop off some leftover food and some presents.  Abby and I went in for a couple minutes, but since Marcy has a cat now (as shown here) and both of us are highly allergic, we quickly retreated to the van and waited for Kris and Alayna to finish their visit.
Seriously. F*** cats.
A little while later, we finally arrived to the house for some highly-anticipated Mexican lunch. . .
Roommates, chowing down at the adult table (our traditional rules apparently no longer apply.)
Dad and Chris
After everyone had gorged on Mexican food, the kids rallied in the living room to start tearing open presents.
My special needs sister.
Sam and Nana
Louis and Dad
Blake and his girlfriend (I don't remember her name.)
Digging into presents
Cindy and Jill
We no longer adhere to the strict 'one present opened at a time' rule in this house.  Christmas mornings used to take, like, six hours seeing how we had five kids in the house back in the day.
The Cannonball is introduced to the world of Vinyl.
Louis is really into cars, and Sam is really into dinosaurs.  Apparently there was a mix-up this year. . .
Nora opened up her presents on the floor of the kitchen, away from the craziness of the older kids.
I have the same model, only in a different color.  Can't beat the quality in this price point.
Abby got a bunch of art supplies, which she burns through at an insane pace.
Dad tries to figure out one of the grandkid toys.
A gift certificate to that 'mom store' in Bay City Kris is obsessed with.
Abby had a tiny mini-fridge on her Amazon list this year, we assumed for make-up (which, I guess, is a thing - her sister has one that she uses for this purpose) but she assured us for this is for pops and stuff like that.  It could maybe hold four.
Kris has been wanting a new Fitbit lately - the strap on her old one has been falling apart.
Nothing says 'Christmas' like an infant's wiener. . .
I got some shit for wanting a boxed set of Tolkien's deep-cut works.  Lot of uncultured people in this family.
Cindy had a giant-ass box that was a pain to wrap.  No one bothered to compliment the wrapping job, which basically ruined my Christmas.
I picked this out for Dad - a cornerstone of any record collection.
Cindy's fancy new folding chair.
Taking it for a test drive.
Sam got some help with a new Lego set from the family block guru, Bradley.
Testing out Alayna's new turntable in the dining room.  It comes with a 45 adapter, so I asked Dad to break out his 45 collection so we could show Alayna how it works (though I doubt she's going to be purchasing 7" records any time soon.)
Healthy snacks.
Lego construction at the kid table.
Teenage stamp of approval.
Autographed, framed pictures of the grandkids.
Doodle hugs.
We broke out an old family Christmas tradition this year, the first time in over a decade - the White Elephant Gift Exchange$25 - $30 apiece, two per family, adults only.  I picked out a Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun - the exact model from the classic A Christmas Story - and Kris put together a combo gift containing a culinary butane torch (for searing) and a bamboo charcuterie board.  Brian was stoked to get the Red Ryder, but Chris stole it from him.
Kris' score.
I opened up this fleece blanket. . .
. . . but Dad snatched that up.  I ended up with a fancy water bottle (which will actually be perfect for work.)
Louis helps Chris with some Legos.
Nora makes a mess in the foyer.
More Legos.
With most of the grandkids occupied in the basement, the adults settled into the Dining Room for a couple boardgames.  We brought along a copy of that Mind the Gap game we enjoy playing with our Midland friend group, figuring it'd be a good fit for our Millenial/Gen X/Boomer crowd.
Nora wasn't very good at this game.
Neither were these ladies.
Brian demonstrates how to do the Whip/Nae Nae dance (some shitty rap dance that was all rhte rage in 2015.)
We all thought he was recreating a scene from Roots or something.
I was pretty bad at showcasing dance moves from the 2010's that I had never heard of.  I'm trying to do 'The Wobble' here (I have no idea what it actually looks like.)
Shortly after this picture was taken, Sam came running around the corner with blood all over his face - apparently his brother smashed a toy in his face in retaliation for God Knows What. This forced Chris and Nicole to pack up their fam and head home prematurely (once Dad and Cindy fixed up the wound.)
Once they were gone and the dust had settled, we broke out another game - that Smart Ass one we play a lot with our friends in Midland.
Jill doesn't approve of how my kid feeds herself.
Contrary to how it looks here, Brian and I did not drink all of these ourselves.  We're not that bad.
The Whites. Abby snatched up my SLR again. . .
Bradley and my trusty sidearm.
Ol' Ma Kris
Cindy and Jill (Abby clearly doesn't know how to frame her pictures.)
Dad (slightly blurry.)
As we packed up, I asked Dad for his karaoke set up, as we are planning on having some people over for New Years and figured it'd be a cool activity to have on hand for folks.  For our St. Patrick's Day party, too.  When we got home from Clare I immediately began setting it up in order to make sure I had everything I needed.
Alayna took this phone video of Abby and I, who were the only two people in our family who were willing to perform (Alayna and Kris are lame.)
Bringing the house down at the end of another awesome Christmas in Clare. 

- Brian

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