Welcome back, Internet.
Our March was nuts. Crazy busy, continuing the trend for sure. Abby's involvement in Pom and Basketball took up a lot of our weekdays and weekends (respectfully), and our ever-present social obligations were in full-swing this month (Danielle's 40th, St. Patrick's Day, etc.) Makes the time fly by, which is awesome at this time of year when it's cold and the warmth of summer is so far off it seems like it'll never return.
There's a crap-load of pictures and video to peruse this month, folks, so I'll cut this short and just leave you to it.
Enjoy. . .
See? I wasn't jokin'. |
Following the girls' final pom performance at Northeast (at a basketball game), we finally got off our asses and got a pic of Harper, Ella, and Abby in their uniforms. |
They demanded a Charlie's Angels-esque one, of course. Hammin' it up as always. |
The never-ending ceiling debacle. As previously discussed, the contractor we had hired to repair our drooping ceiling in the Study did a half-ass job on removing the popcorn ceiling from the room (though fortunately he did a really good job at securing the ceiling itself, which was our top priority.) Since we had only paid him half up front, we basically told him to f*** off and kept the second half, which was cool because what we paid him for - securing the ceiling - was a fair price and we were fine with it. That left the ceiling's finish less popcorn-ish than it had been, but not what we had been hoping for. So Kris spent an afternoon towards the beginning of the month smoothing it out a bit more on her own. |
The first week of the month, there was an award ceremony at the Midland Community Center for the Northeast Pom team, with the coaches presenting awards for each player at the close of the season. Abby got an award for Best Sportsmanship, since she had 'the biggest smile' during routines. Or something like that, I forget. |
The Northeast Pom Team |
Abby and her coaches. |
. . . and of course there's one of these frickin' poses. |
At the close of the ceremony, all the team members were walking around crying hysterically and being super dramatic seeing how it was the close of their season. As if they weren't going to see each other at school the very next day. Parents felt this was worth taking a picture of, I guess. I'd make fun, but, you know, I took a pic, too. |
Picking up a Batman pizza on my way home from work one Friday. I give zero f***s about superhero movies. |
Alayna, Kendall, and Amelia at some orchestra function at the school (a festival, I think. . .?) |
My high school band numbers were better. Just sayin'. |
Weird pictures taken off Alayna's phone. Her and Lexi at school, being teenagers. |
Me and my friends should use heart stickers like this in our pics. . . |
Kris makes a friend at the Midland Mall. |
The Storm take the field (er, court) for their first game of hair-raising basketball. . .
These guys have made a lot of progress over the course of their few practices, considering most of their team has never held a basketball before. Abby is more comfortable with defense than offense, for sure. |
That kid in the white headband was the opposing team's player Abby was charged with defending. She was like 5' 8" and clearly had been playing for years. Totally fair match-up. |
Needless to say, our team was beaten like a red-headed step-child. |
Like, it wasn't even close. You know those '80s movie tropes about a team of plucky underdogs that have zero chance of success at the beginning of the movie? They suck for the first half of the movie before their gruff, unlikely coach manages to get them to play together as a team, and they somehow - miraculously - manage to defeat the championship team of dickheads at the end of the movie? You know what I'm talking about? Think Bad News Bears or Mighty Ducks. Well, this was like that, except, in our team's case, it was just the first half of those movies where the underdogs are getting totally curb-stomped without end. |
Painful to watch.
Later that evening, I had a Zoom/Drink session with these two assholes. Always a good time. |
After we had the popcorn ceiling knocked down a bit more, John came over and helped me re-hang the ceiling fan (it's heavier than you'd think, definitely a two-man job.)
Family game night (feat. dogs.) |
Following a sleepover at the Johnson residence, Abby was treated to a healthy McDonald's breakfast. |
The following week, another game for the Storm. |
Fortunately, this time around, the other team was equally terrible, and our girls mopped the floor with 'em. |
Abby's still seemingly afraid of the ball, but she played a lot better. |
Kris' coworker made affirming window decals for all the employees in her office. I should get me one of these for my car. |
St. Patrick's Day. Acknowledged. |
Since we don't have recessed lighting in our Study yet (that's the ultimate plan for this spring), and our previous lights - which had been illuminating the bookshelves and fireplace - were removed during the ceiling repair, it had been pretty dark in that room. I decided to remedy this by pulling the trigger on an LED light system that I had quite extensively researched on Amazon. By spending a bit more than usual on a set, I was able to get one that had multi-color changing abilities (most LED light strands you can change only whole-string at a time, where the ones I got can change individual bulbs at a time), Alexa-enabled, and app-centric. I'm pretty stoked about it.
I'm gonna nerd out here for a quick sec. This app allows you to sync the lights up to music - either through your phone or through the microphone, capturing the sound of the room (perfect for vinyl) - but it also allows you to browse through multiple pre-programmed 'scenes,' perfect for any occasion. |
Some of these are better than others, obviously, but the range of variety with this LED set was well worth the extra I spent. |
You can create and customize your own lighting system, too, but I doubt I'll ever get around to messing with that, since there's so much already available through the app that controls the lights. |
Over at Mom's at the beginning of Spring Break in order to celebrate Grandpa Chinery's 90th Birthday. |
Chris and his brood were in town for the occasion. Here is his only peaceful child, Nora. |
This one's a trainwreck (shown here, shortly after punching me in the face.) |
Abby and Nora (Abby's great with kids, unlike her sister.) |
And another one. |
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I'm like 99% sure I came down with Covid at the beginning of Spring Break. Despite a rapid test coming up negative, I didn't bother going out to an urgent care in order to get a legit test because, let's face it, it doesn't really matter anymore. So I was pretty sick for a solid four or five days, and basically hung out on the couch downstairs and played videogames. The girls, however, made good use of our occasional decent weather to play in the backyard (with Alayna's friend, Ava, who lives just around the corner on Waldo.) |
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A super shitty game of 'baseball'. . . |
The Johnsons, who had also neglected to go anywhere for Spring Break, opted to get a hotel room at the Holiday Inn half-way through the week in order to break up the monotony. They invited the friend group out to enjoy the pool with them and we all had dinner poolside while the kids enjoyed the pool and the joint's bizarre half-inside/half-outside hot tub. |
Tom, Erik and Ryan. |
Houghs, Johnsons, Colliers, and Sheahans chowing down on bar pizza. |
I've been getting unsolicited texts from the Democratic Party lately, asking me if I want to run for office. They must be pretty frickin' desperate these days if they're scraping the barrel like this. . . |
- Brian
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