Thursday, October 28, 2021

Fiddlin' About

 Hi folks.

The girls had their Fall Orchestra Concert this evening at Northeast, and, for whatever frickin' reason, they decided to hold it in the super-cramped cafeteria. . . no idea why.  It meant for some pretty crappy vantage points for video, but I did the best I could.  Abby, Ella, and the 6th Grade Orchestra performed first. . . for, like, four frickin' minutes.  Then we had to wait nearly an hour for Alayna the combined 7th and 8th Grade Orchestra to come on and perform for another eight minutes or so.  Definitely not the best way to handle such a thing, but it what it is, I guess.

I attached a few pics and videos for your viewing pleasure. 


Ella on violin and Abby on cello, shortly before taking the 'stage.'  Photo courtesy of the Cannonball.
The 6th Grade Orchestra
Here's my video of the 7th/8th Grade Orchestra.  I took one video continuous of the entire performance (minus the teacher's shpeels between songs) - Kris took separate videos of each song from her view, which I included below.
Alayna, second row, on 1st Violin.
Mammassian commands her troops.
Taking a bow.

- Brian

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