(and now, for the thrilling conclusion. . .)
The morning of our last day of Brocation 2021, Tom - who was our breakfast guy - got up early and whipped up a protein-heavy smorgasbord. |
Heart-clogging sausage patties. |
Yours Truly, as always, stepped in to whip up Bloody Marys for the crew. I bought multiple mixes, hot sauces, pickle options, seasonings, etc. Custom-designed shit, right here. |
Letting food digest, having some coffee. |
Tons and tons of food. We always cook more than we need. |
I was in charge of the day's itinerary (Erik and I had put it together a few weeks prior to this outing, but since he had single-handedly navigated us through last year's Brocation into the Upper Peninsula, I offered to take point on today's mission.) I had a strict be-on-the-damn-road-by-9am mandate, and I'll be damned if I didn't spur those assholes into action. Two minutes early, folks. |
Point car was Ryan's, with me navigating and Erik and Mitch thrown in for good measure. Morgan had to leave early in the morning to put in a shift for work, back in Midland (long story, but basically his assistant manager crapped out on him), so he was out for the first part of our day's adventuring. Omkar had to leave early as well, so he drove separate and Tom rode with him to keep him company. |
Like last time, we wanted to throw some nature/hiking stuff in along with all the usual breweries, bars, and restaurants. Relatively nearby was Deadman's Hill - that the entire fam checked out back in October of last year, if you'll remember - with one of the most scenic overlooks in the Lower Peninsula. On our way in, it was crazy to see this place so dead: last time I was here, there were cars parked up and down both sides of the dirt road here. |
Heading up Deadman's Hill. . . |
Mitch photobombs a pic I was sending to Kris. Just like Mitch. |
Ryan and Erik |
There may not be fall leaves this time around, but you can't complain with the view from up here. . . |
Decades of vandalism |
The Dads (minus Morgan) |
We had contemplated walking some of the trails over here to kill time for a bit, but no one was really feeling up to it, so we made our way back up towards the cars. |
At this point, Omkar took off for work and the rest of us loaded up into Ryan's car and set off for the Traverse City Peninsula (whatever the hell that's called.) |
I think this might be Grand Traverse Bay. . .? |
Captain at the helm. |
About an hour later, we rolled into Mission Point, at the very tip of the peninsula. |
What in the name of G.I. Joe is this frickin' vehicle? |
Oh look, a random log cabin. . . |
Mission Point Lighhouse |
Here, educate yourself. |
Not sure if this is technically Lake Michigan or Grand Traverse Bay, but it's basically the same anyway, right? |
As previously stated, we like to mix in cool shit to check out on these Brocations of ours, so a lighthouse sitting along a Great Lake definitely fits the bill. |
Tom and Mitch |
Me documenting Ryan documenting |
Umm. . . water? |
Five old guys and a lighthouse |
(Not sure what Ryan's doing here, but I assume his junk is involved.) |
Attempted a panoramic shot with my phone. . . |
This picture took way more effort than it should have. Appreciate the hell out of it, Internet. |
After cleaning up from the beach and loading back up into Ryan's car, we drove down the peninsula a ways (about half the distance, to be precise), and stopped off at a joint called Jolly Pumpkin. It hadn't opened up just yet - we were a little early - so we had to kill some time outside for about ten minutes. |
Ryan addressing the wedding guests. This place must be a premiere wedding destination, because they had it all decked out for one and there were wedding people walking about everywhere. |
About to open up. |
Inside the Jolly Pumpkin |
They do the numbered 'member' mug thing at this place, too. |
I just ordered a plate of fries for myself - I wasn't all that hungry just yet - but they were ridiculously good. |
I generally don't take pictures in bathrooms, but why the hell did he pull the trigger on the little kid's urinal? |
After hanging out at Jolly Pumpkin for awhile, we loaded back up into the car and got back on the road, this time for only a little bit as our next stop - Bowers Harbor Vineyards - was just up the road. When we rolled in, we spotted yet another weird-ass vehicle parked in the lot. |
I'm assuming they grow grapes here, but I'm no wine-ologist. |
Mitch and Ryan |
Upon entering the vineyard, we headed towards the 'bar' (for lack of better term) in order to purchase a 'flight' (again, for lack of better term.) |
I like me some dry, white wines, so I ended up pulling the trigger on their Harvest Flight. Not too bad. |
Mitch and Erik, armed with their own flights, take a romantic stroll through wine country. |
Socially-distanced outdoor seating. |
Slainte |
Not sure why I either look pissed or confused in every single picture taken of me. . . |
Ryan clearly doesn't understand wine etiquette - note the absence of the raised pinky. |
Grapes of wrath |

After killing off our wine, Erik and I popped into their 'store' and picked up a couple bottles for our wives (at the outlandish price of $30 a bottle, WTF.) |
Chaos in the transport |
En route to Bellaire, MI. |
Some other vineyard that Erik recommended if we had the time to stop off at it, but we didn't. |
Pretty rad Hobbit door they got there. . . |
Cruisin' down Grand Traverse Bay |
Three old guys pretending they're cool. |
Spotted a Masonic Temple on our way through some random small town, always cool to see. |
Bellaire, MI - a random small town in the middle of nowhere, only famous because it's the home of one of Michigan's top three breweries, Short's Brewing Company. This was the number one thing I wanted to do this weekend, and I made damn sure we ended up doing it. |
After grabbing some beers and hitting up the merch store (I might've dropped some bank at the merch store), we ambled out onto the outdoor patio. |
Don't tell me what to do, sign. |
Another selfie of old guys having fun. |
Look at this snappy dresser here. . . |
After a few beers at Short's, Erik, Ryan and I decided to check out another local brewery across the street while Mitch and Tom worked on their beers. . . |
Inside Bee Well, which makes their own mead and cider. . . |
Any place that spins records is good in my book. |
The Antrim Apple Pie mead was exceptional. Just sayin'. |
Mead horns and more vinyl |
They do a pretty cool job with their merch here - they take existing band logos and switch out their name. Frickin' hilarious. |
The smaller-than-expected Short's Brewing. I was glad that it lived up to the hype. |
Getting ready to head out once again, this time for Gaylord and the rental. |
Our day's adventuring across Northern Michigan wrapped up, we drove back to the rental, where we were set to rendezvous with Morgan, who had gotten out of work and came back up north. |
Mitch 'just closing his eyes for a sec.' Yeah right. . . |
Morgan returns |
Planning on the patio |
We decided to hit up Big Buck Brewery in downtown Gaylord for dinner - if you've ever driven up I-75, you've seen it along the side of the road. |
Some interesting decor in here, to say the least. |
Morgan makes a friend (it's not often he finds one taller than him.) |
Some live, old timer music on hand. |
You know it's a classy joint when they have chandeliers made out of f***ing antlers. . . |
After a day of drinking beer, I was ready for something a little different, so the only thing I got at this joint was a Moscow Mule (which was really, really good, by the way.) |
Here's where they brew all their beer that I didn't drink. |
We were going to order dinner at this place, but they were out of food - the server said something about one of the managers quitting and leaving everyone short-handed and scrambling, which is super bizarre, so we didn't stay long. |
The whole edge of this bar was carved into fish. Definitely interesting. |
Mitch and Morgan. |
Chug-a-lug, fish. |
After leaving Big Buck Brewery, we parked downtown and decided to walk around and look for a place to grab something to eat. |
Some pretty cool architecture downtown, I've never been to Gaylord before believe it or not. |
Didn't have much luck at first, a couple places we checked out were closed early due to staff shortages. |
Finally found a place called the Iron Pig that met our needs. . . |
Happy campers. |
Behold the majestic flying pig. . . |
I neglected to eat anything, I was still pretty full from craft beer. |
After dinner, we swung back by the Elk Viewing Area from a couple days ago - Erik said it might be worth checking out because elk like to feed at dusk. Since he's the only one of us who actively hunts, we took his word for it. . . and he turned out to be right. |
Heading back to the rental at the end of the evening. |
A round up wake-up shots of Fireball on the back patio. |
The guys wanted to watch a movie called Beerfest at the end of the night to wind down with. Took some messing around with the TV to find the right input for the Firestick. |
I was exhausted and fell asleep on the couch about fifteen minutes into the movie. Ryan's a dick. |
- Fin -
- Brian
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