Behold this horrible stop-animation shit-show from Kris' childhood. |
Happy Easter, America. I guess.
So, as could be expected, this was a really, really weird
Easter, what with the Governor's whole stay-in-place order still in effect and all of us forced to remain in our homes for the foreseeable future. Kinda weird having to celebrate a holiday under quarantine - definitely a bit surreal.
Easter under house arrest meant
no time with extended family,
no going to church,
no nothing. Honestly, I was pretty okay with this; Easter, as you all know by now, is
not one of my favorite holidays by any means. I rank it right up there with
Valentine's Day as our culture's
shittiest holiday, and for obvious reasons: there's a ton of prep work the night before (for a very, very short payoff in the morning), there's a ridiculous amount of junk food on hand, and - armed with sugar-infused kids and practically no sleep - you have to go and sit through
church (and it's
packed.) Oh
, and you end up finding fake Easter basket grass around your house for months afterwards.
You know, now that I think about it, this may have been the
greatest Easter I've had in years.
Here you go, folks.
The Hough's Easter of 2020:
Coronavirus Edition.
Before the girls went to bed the night before, Abby (of course) had to write a letter to the Easter Bunny. |
I got a lot of shit from Kris - and a few comments from the girls - about the Easter Bunny's handwriting this year. Kris used to complain that it was too similar to Santa's handwriting, so I mixed it up this year (she said now it looks like the Easter Bunny is mentally impaired.) I told her it looked like the Easter Bunny had gotten its education from Farwell. |
The scene set for the morning's chaos (we picked up that card game as a mutual just-'cause gift - something to do while we all sit around here under house arrest.) |
Abby checks out the bunny's response to her letter. |
Once Alayna had gotten a chance to read it, too (I'm thoroughly convinced neither kid buys into the whole 'bunny' thing anyway) the girls set off on their scavenger hunt around the house. |
(Didn't get a picture of this clue because Abby didn't get to sleep until fairly late - I didn't want to risk going into her room and taking a picture with a flash.) |
The first clue said to check for snacks (in some clever way, I forget.) After searching a few other spots, Alayna decided to check the stash we keep above the stove (the stuff we don't want the girls getting into as frequently.) |
You know what, these pics are pretty self-explanatory. I don't think I need to caption each one. |
(We keep frozen veggies in the bigger freezer in the basement.) |
Frozen 2 was even shittier than the first one. And, just for the record, I'm 100% onboard the 'Elsa is Definitely a Lesbian' bandwagon. |
Same goes for me, rabbit. |
Random dog fight while the girls look for clues. Samson gives Watson a run for his money. |
I tried not to put as many clues outside this year - it was way too damn cold out last night. |
That's on my COVID-19 To-Do List, folks: clean out the shed. |
Alayna still has her super '80s Jem and the Holograms shirt from when she was into the show (when she was, like, four.) Now it actually fits her, though. |
Finally found a spot for that cavalry saber. |
(In the Captain's Quarters.) |
(On Kris' desk.) |
(This is in our bedroom.) |
The end of the trail. Thank God. |
You can bet your ass Watson was losing his mind over the basket. |
Tearing into baskets. Aside from some card games, we got the girls a pair of sandals this year, some nail polish, and a vacuum-insulated to-go cup. Oh, and a mountain of sugar. |
The Cannonball attempts to bring about order from chaos. |
Preparing to give the dogs their Easter cookies. . . |
Trying on new shoes. |
It took Samson a little bit to figure out this thing was edible. He's an idiot. |
Yes, the dogs shared a mutual basket. They're f***ing dogs, I'm not re-inventing the wheel, here. |
Kris loves mornings. |
Watson, patiently awaiting more snacks. |
Early, early in the morning - before any of us were up, that's for damn sure - Mom stopped by the house and left a couple Easter bags on the back step of the house. She also hid about two dozen plastic eggs around the backyard (which was awesome, 'cause then I didn't have to do it.) |
The girls waited a little bit before heading into the backyard, though - it was still pretty cold out. |
Organizing her Easter basket plunder. Because she's a Hough. |
Hunting down eggs in the backyard. Mom gave instructions that Abby's eggs were orange and Alayna's was purple, which was a clever idea indeed because if they weren't assigned Abby would end up with, like, twenty eggs, and Alayna would have four. |
Quaran-tween. |
Stopping mid-hunt to yell at her sister. Classic Abby move. |
And yes, both girls are wearing my coats - neither one apparently felt the need to grab appropriate outdoor clothing this morning. |
Those are my indoor house slippers, too. Totally not made for outdoor use, kid. |
Winding down the egg hunt. |
(Kris was able to get off her butt and take a little video this year.)
I captured this egg hunt from the comfort of the Study doorway. It's too damn early to be this cold. |
Mom did a pretty thorough job of placing/hiding all these this year - took the kids about ten or fifteen minutes to find them all. |
Mission accomplished. |
Taking stock of the egg contents, following the hunt. |
They sat doing this for probably a half an hour. |
Kris made a big, not-at-all healthy breakfast for the girls this morning. 'Cause Easter. |
One of Alayna's favorites. |
And, in closing, here's a picture of Samson. . . who has gained substantial weight since we first got him. |
- Brian
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