Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Bunny Hath Risen: Coronavirus Edition

Behold this horrible stop-animation shit-show from Kris' childhood.  
Happy Easter, America.  I guess.

So, as could be expected, this was a really, really weird Easter, what with the Governor's whole stay-in-place order still in effect and all of us forced to remain in our homes for the foreseeable future.  Kinda weird having to celebrate a holiday under quarantine - definitely a bit surreal.

Easter under house arrest meant no time with extended family, no going to church, no nothing.  Honestly, I was pretty okay with this; Easter, as you all know by now, is not one of my favorite holidays by any means.  I rank it right up there with Valentine's Day as our culture's shittiest holiday, and for obvious reasons:  there's a ton of prep work the night before (for a very, very short payoff in the morning), there's a ridiculous amount of junk food on hand, and - armed with sugar-infused kids and practically no sleep - you have to go and sit through church (and it's packed.)  Oh, and you end up finding fake Easter basket grass around your house for months afterwards.

You know, now that I think about it, this may have been the greatest Easter I've had in years.

Here you go, folks.  The Hough's Easter of 2020Coronavirus Edition.


Before the girls went to bed the night before, Abby (of course) had to write a letter to the Easter Bunny.
I got a lot of shit from Kris - and a few comments from the girls - about the Easter Bunny's handwriting this year.  Kris used to complain that it was too similar to Santa's handwriting, so I mixed it up this year (she said now it looks like the Easter Bunny is mentally impaired.)  I told her it looked like the Easter Bunny had gotten its education from Farwell.
The scene set for the morning's chaos (we picked up that card game as a mutual just-'cause gift - something to do while we all sit around here under house arrest.)
Abby checks out the bunny's response to her letter.
Once Alayna had gotten a chance to read it, too (I'm thoroughly convinced neither kid buys into the whole 'bunny' thing anyway) the girls set off on their scavenger hunt around the house.

(Didn't get a picture of this clue because Abby didn't get to sleep until fairly late - I didn't want to risk going into her room and taking a picture with a flash.)
The first clue said to check for snacks (in some clever way, I forget.)  After searching a few other spots, Alayna decided to check the stash we keep above the stove (the stuff we don't want the girls getting into as frequently.)
You know what, these pics are pretty self-explanatory.  I don't think I need to caption each one.
(We keep frozen veggies in the bigger freezer in the basement.)
Frozen 2 was even shittier than the first one.  And, just for the record, I'm 100% onboard the 'Elsa is Definitely a Lesbian' bandwagon.
Same goes for me, rabbit.
Random dog fight while the girls look for clues.  Samson gives Watson a run for his money.
I tried not to put as many clues outside this year - it was way too damn cold out last night.
That's on my COVID-19 To-Do List, folks:  clean out the shed.
Alayna still has her super '80s Jem and the Holograms shirt from when she was into the show (when she was, like, four.)  Now it actually fits her, though.
Finally found a spot for that cavalry saber.
(In the Captain's Quarters.)
(On Kris' desk.)
(This is in our bedroom.)
The end of the trail.  Thank God.
You can bet your ass Watson was losing his mind over the basket.
Tearing into baskets.  Aside from some card games, we got the girls a pair of sandals this year, some nail polish, and a vacuum-insulated to-go cup.  Oh, and a mountain of sugar.
The Cannonball attempts to bring about order from chaos.
Preparing to give the dogs their Easter cookies. . .
Trying on new shoes.
It took Samson a little bit to figure out this thing was edible.  He's an idiot.
Yes, the dogs shared a mutual basket.  They're f***ing dogs, I'm not re-inventing the wheel, here.
Kris loves mornings.
Watson, patiently awaiting more snacks.
Early, early in the morning - before any of us were up, that's for damn sure - Mom stopped by the house and left a couple Easter bags on the back step of the house.  She also hid about two dozen plastic eggs around the backyard (which was awesome, 'cause then I didn't have to do it.)
The girls waited a little bit before heading into the backyard, though - it was still pretty cold out.
Organizing her Easter basket plunder.  Because she's a Hough.
Hunting down eggs in the backyard.  Mom gave instructions that Abby's eggs were orange and Alayna's was purple, which was a clever idea indeed because if they weren't assigned Abby would end up with, like, twenty eggs, and Alayna would have four.
Stopping mid-hunt to yell at her sister.  Classic Abby move.
And yes, both girls are wearing my coats - neither one apparently felt the need to grab appropriate outdoor clothing this morning.
Those are my indoor house slippers, too.  Totally not made for outdoor use, kid.
Winding down the egg hunt.
(Kris was able to get off her butt and take a little video this year.)
I captured this egg hunt from the comfort of the Study doorway.  It's too damn early to be this cold.
Mom did a pretty thorough job of placing/hiding all these this year - took the kids about ten or fifteen minutes to find them all.
Mission accomplished.
Taking stock of the egg contents, following the hunt.
They sat doing this for probably a half an hour.
Kris made a big, not-at-all healthy breakfast for the girls this morning.  'Cause Easter.
One of Alayna's favorites.
And, in closing, here's a picture of Samson. . . who has gained substantial weight since we first got him.

 - Brian

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