So sad, so true. |
What's up, players.
Well, this is it: the
End of Another Summer.
So we ended up doing a hell of a lot this summer, far more than we have the previous few years, and as such this summer flew by in record speed. No one feels quite ready to return to the Grind of work/school just yet, as there's been zero wind-down from all of the adventures we've had over the last two months. From
Disney World to
flooded tents, from
youth camps to
lake retreats, from
VBS weeks to summer classes, we've done a hell of a lot. And now we have to set our sights on the approaching school year, which will see Yours Truly once more assume his
U.S. History mantle, Abby enter the
Fourth Grade, and the Cannonball heads off into. . .
Holy f***ing Hell.
Anyway, August was slower than its predecessors, but we
still kept relatively busy: the weeks were filled with different VBS and community center classes for the girls (and yard work for me), with the weekends were designated outings with our social group of moms and dads. Almost like clockwork. We'd squeeze in shopping trips for
Back to School here or there, and I had to set up my classroom again, but there were some other random things we did from time to time.
Without further ado, here's what our August - the
End of Summer itself - looked like for the Houghs. Enjoy:
One day Kris and I took the kids out to some local blueberry farm (orchard?) to work picking crops like a couple of field hands. You know, 'cause Family Fun and all that bullshit. |
Kris selects our buckets. |
The girls show great enthusiasm for this kinda thing. At first. |
Alayna was funned out after about twenty minutes. I think that's a new record for her. |
I can't imagine picking cotton. I mean, blueberries are easy to pick and you can eat them while you pick them. Cotton's sticky and stringy and there are prickers that stab you and you can't even it. Being a slave in the 1800s would've SUCKED. |
One family member refuses to throw in the towel. |
Waiting for Mom to check out. |
Over fifteen pounds of blueberries (and some jam) later, Kris was finally ready to leave. |
Kris puts on her Mom Face during a Back-to-School shopping trip for the girls. Her and Alayna butt heads on an almost constant basis every year. |
Some overhaul was done to the Dining Room and Kitchen this month. Kris had been wanting to repaint the Dining Room for a few months, and finally got around to doing it (with my help.) It went from a tan to a Dovetail grey. I can't tell the difference, to be honest, but the wife is happy. So there's that. |
Ripped out the overhead vent/light to our stove in order to make room for a microwave we had purchased (ours broke earlier in the summer, so we've been living microwave-free like a bunch of Amish people all summer long - it's been Hell.) Taking this out and reinstalling a new microwave was a pain in the ass, but John came over and gave us a hand. |
Happy Wife, Happy Life. There's a reason that's a saying, folks. |
The Great Kondo Purge of 2019 continues. We've hauled out so much crap (like this furniture, here) it's ridiculous - I don't think I could've undergone this endeavor a year ago, as I used to be somewhat of a hoarder, but this has completely changed my penchant for 'stuff.' |
I wanted to buy some Rough Riders (my favorite cigar) for our camping trip to the Jellystone in Silverlake, so I asked our buddy Brad (a cigar rep who sells them) where in town I could buy some. He gave me this huge freezer bag full of $10 cigars for FREE. I f***ing love that guy. |
Taking the kids out for an afternoon lunch at Plymouth Park for Midland's Meet Up and Eat Up program. |
Watson got stung by a bee in the face this month. That was kinda hilarious. |
Abby, showing off her new backpack. We splurged a little on the kids' backpacks this year, each one cost about $40 and were legit, 5-star-rated backpacks off of Amazon, but we wanted them to get something that would last more than one school year. They both understand they're not getting new backpacks for awhile now. |
Sizing up bikes at Meijer. Both kids are in need of new bikes. I hate how fast kids grow. |
We got this bike that someone was getting rid of, and I was able to polish it up to make it look new. Had to fix the tire and inner tube, but its running smooth now. It's a 26", mint-green, beach cruiser, so it's too big for the girls and difficult for them to ride (no hand brakes), but c'mon. . . it's a free bike. You're damn right we took it. |
Watson. Always in your face. |
We took Alayna to Northeast towards the middle of the month in order to pick up her school schedule and check out her locker. She's been so excited to start Middle School and have her own locker, and has been counting down the days until she could get in to Northeast and check it out. |
We were convinced she'd have difficulty mastering her locker combination, so you can imagine our shock when she opened it on the first try. Apparently locker combinations are her thing. Who knew. |
These are far bigger (and nicer) than the ones my students have at our school. |
Sizing it up. |
She's a Hough. What do you expect. |
Speaking of Hough-ness, check out this old letter I found from my 3rd Grade teacher as I was Marie Kondo'ing an old tote filled with past school work in the basement. Sounds pretty legit to me. |
More Back-to-School shopping. Here's Abby trying on some not-at-all-practical women's shoes on at a Marshall's. |
Back at Northeast, about a week later, installing some of her locker accessories (white board, pen/pencil caddies, mirrors, magnets, etc.) The girl does love to accessorize. . . |
I took Alayna and her friend, Christina, up to the Great Lakes Ice Creamery for a cone one afternoon. Anything for sugar, folks. |
Throughout this whole Kondo process, we've had to bid farewell to quite a few things that were hard to get rid of, due to sentimental or nostalgic reasons. My grandfather's jewelry box, for example, was pretty hard to get say goodbye to, but it wasn't very practical for me anymore (I needed a bigger one with more space, that was of higher quality), so I decided to let it go. |
Fortunately, my little brother, Jeff, wanted it, so at least it's staying in the family (which is obviously preferable.) |
Abby's bedroom has been getting an overhaul this summer, piece by piece. She no longer wanted a Star Wars-themed bedroom - she's sadly outgrown the franchise - and instead wants a tropical/beach-themed bedroom. Kris sold all her Star Wars room decor on Facebook Marketplace and used the money she got from that (which was substantial) to purchase new tropical bedding and some room decor (like the backpack hook, shown here.) Eventually we're going to repaint this purple accent wall a coral color, and put in a loft bed with a desk to giver her more room. |
Making some lunch with our live-in neighborhood kid, Ella. |
I've been named a Top Fan for Radio Wasteland, my local record store here in town. I've been a regular of their establishment since Day One, but this is another accolade I happily accept. It's nice being rewarded for all of your hard work over the years. |
Another Friday, another Fast Food dinner with our three girls. |
- Brian
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