Saturday, September 29, 2018

Another Random Girl Scout Thing I Wasn't At

No idea what's happening here.
Hey folks.

So I've gotten pretty good at skipping out on Girl Scout functions over the years.  I'm like a frickin' Black Belt at not being involved in my kids' many, many troop outings, and, to some extent, I'm kinda proud of that.  I suppose that if we had had a couple of boys instead of girls, and they were instead involved in Boy Scouts, the tables would be turned somewhat.  I still don't see myself becoming a troop leader like Kris is, though - I'm not down with the whole 'scout' thing like she is.

Anyway, Kris and Alayna set off this weekend for some random Girl Scout camping trip. . . somewhere. . . in Michigan.  I forget where exactly, I don't know.  I'd assume some place like Harrison, where there's a big-ass Scout Camp, but I could be wrong.  They were gone all weekend, though, leaving Friday evening and getting back Sunday afternoon, and spent two days and nights in a little, wood cabin.

Meanwhile, back in Midland, Abby and I were busy Halloween shopping and gorging ourselves on snacks and treats.  Like a couple of badasses.

So yeah, seeing how Kris never updates this blog anymore, and I wasn't there to know what was happening at all, I'm going to show you a selection of photos and do my damnedest to caption them as accurately as humanly possible.

It's bound to be a shit-show, folks - be forewarned. . .

I think this little kid here is getting lynched.
"Let's grab the smallest kid we can find and shove her through this tire, girls."
Here's Alayna's BFF, Maddie, climbing up a rope ladder.  Who knows why.
Later, the girls all stood around in front of a cabin and looked at two men.
Some girls put on yellow helmets.  Alayna didn't.
Rock climbing. . . or is it called 'wall climbing'?  I don't know, I don't do either.
Alayna, all ready to start climbing up a wooden wall covered in colorful, plastic thingies.
Preparing to ascend the wall.  Also, here's a bucket with what is either a rope, hose, or a long-ass snake hanging out of it.
Aaaaand there she goes. . .
I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and guess that this is probably the highest point she reached on the wall.
How is this culturally sensitive?  For shame, Girl Scouts.  For shame.
Alayna, Maddie, and some other kid I don't know, sitting around for a snack.
A bunch of girls on a piece of wooden something-or-other.
I guess the wooden something-or-other moves. . . huh.
What's the point of this?
Kris and Alayna, posing with dirt.  'Cause that's what people do.
Two girls and a miniature dinosaur of some kind.
People standing around outside a cabin in the woods.
An assortment of people in kayaks, on some random lake somewhere.  I doubt my kid is among them, but she could be.
The Cannonball scales the wall again.

- Brian

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