What's up, readers.
So it had been just about a year since the Houghs went
camping, and this was something we
definitely weren't cool with, considering our love for it and all the frickin' camping gear we have lying around our house. Last year, after we had spent a few nights in
Traverse City, we had all sworn that the
Summer of '17 would be the
Summer of Camping. . . but then we up and
bought a house. And
that devoured a solid portion of the summer right there; moving, settling in, painting, figuring out how to take care of our park of a yard, etc.
Well, as August rolled around it suddenly dawned on us that we hadn't camped
at all over the Summer. We had
completely dropped the ball. I mean,
technically the girls sorta had when they went to
Reunion with my mom, but that was about it. Pretty sad. So, Kris and I put our heads together and planned out a four-day/three-night trip to the
Mill Creek Campgrounds in
Mackinaw City. While we were staying up there, we figured we'd even make the trip out to
Mackinac Island, so the girls could check out the Fort and Arch Rock, eat some fudge, and take lots and lots of pictures of shit (literally speaking, of course - it's
As we prepared for this camping venture, we once again extended the invite to our faithful camping companions,
Smitty and
Rita, but unfortunately they were unable to make it due to Smitty's work schedule. So as we packed up our gear in the days leading up to the trip, it looked like it would be a milder family affair, which was still fine and all.
Then, the day before we ended up leaving for Mackinaw, Rita texted Kris and told her they were coming.
Sometimes, folks, you just gotta give Smitty a sec. . .
Kris' van, packed to the brim with provisions and gear. |
Loading up for the three-hour drive North. |
The dog starts to see dark clouds on the horizon. . . |
Dad and Cindy were cool with us dropping Watson off at their place for the extended weekend, seeing how Watson and their dog, Bailey, are really good around one another. Kris' van was so packed full of camping crap that Watson had to ride from Midland to Clare on my lap, and after dropping him off in Clare, we got right back on the highway and continued North. (FYI - I took this pic 'cause I found it hilarious that nearly everything one could want in a highway exit can be found to the left. . . except that totally bitchin' Garage Sale.) |
Cozying up with a movie on the long drive up to Mackinaw. . . |
These kids are frickin' spoiled. When I was a kid, I had to endure 12-hour car rides out to boring-as-all-hell Iowa with a coloring book and a couple action figures to keep me busy. That, or pass the time playing the edge-of-your-seat car game, 'Count the Semi Trucks.' F***ing '80s. . . |
Approaching Gaylord, where we ended up pulling over to get the girls some Wendy's. The drive-through line was terrible, so we went inside to order instead. While waiting in line, I randomly bumped into my old college buddy, Chris Sims, who, himself, had pulled off the highway in order to get his kids some food. His family was on their way back down south after spending a few days in Traverse City, and, like us, had opted on Wendy's on a last-minute whim. Talk about random. |
Driving through hilly Northern Michigan. . . |
Big Mac, spotted in the distance |
Not at all excited to be done with their long-ass car ride. |
We had researched several different campgrounds in the area, and kept coming back to the one that most of our friends who had previously camped in the area recommended: Mill Creek. It was decently priced, close to everything, with tons of additional features and amenities that other campgrounds in the area didn't have. While we weren't able to pick our campsite in advance, when we arrived we found out that we had really lucked out: our campsite was about 100 feet from the shower house, restrooms, shuttle pickup (for Star Line Ferry to the Island), and the campground store and arcade. |
Slightly racist Wishing Well at the front entrance to the campground. |
Smitty and Rita wouldn't be rolling in until 8pm-ish, thereabouts, but we worked it out with the front office that they could cancel their existing campsite they had reserved (which was on the far-side of the campground, in, like, the worst possible area away from everything) and put their tent up on our site instead. This would save them money, and make it easier for everyone to hang out. |
See that red truck or van in the background, there? That's where the store/arcade/ice cream shop is, and right next door to that is the pool and the put-put golf course. Directly next to them, closer to our campsite, is the shower house, and next to that the shuttle pickup. We were obviously pretty cool with our site location. |
We had the girls watch a movie in the van while Kris and I put up the tent and set up all the cots and mattresses, as having kids underfoot during the setup process is a total pain in the ass. |
View from our campsite. That brown building there is the shower house, and the reddish benches to the right of the building is the shuttle pickup location. It had rained throughout the day, and was supposed to rain later in the evening, too, but we were able to set up our campsite during a lull in the weather (thank God.) |
This is where we'd be getting picked up from the Star Line Shuttle the following morning. |
After we set everything up, we walked up to the campground center to check out the store, which sold everything from basic camping supplies, toiletries, and groceries to souvenirs, decor, and clothing (including this sweatshirt that Abby would end up picking out the following day.) |
In an adjoining room to the store was a large arcade room, where we broke a $10 and let the girls go nuts for awhile (air hockey was a big hit.) |
Alayna had a blast with this one, but she could use some practice. |
On our way out, we picked up some ice cream for the girls and decided to walk around the campgrounds and check out the 'coast' (the campground extended all the way to the shores of Lake Huron, with a solid view of the Mackinaw Bridge and Mackinac Island.) |
Fake glasses as a fashion accessory are a thing, Internet. I shit you not. |
The playground and basketball courts, right in front of the shower house. |
A short three-minute walk got us to the shoreline of the Straits, where you could barely make out the Bridge through the haze of the post-rain weather. |
Some glamour posin' on some rocks. |
After walking around and checking out the campground for awhile, Kris and I decided to take the girls into downtown Mackinaw City to check out some souvenir stores and get some dinner. |
Abby requested I take a picture of her with this random walking stick that she found in this one, particular store (the girls each had about $20 they had saved up from their allowance, and Kris and I planned on giving the girls each $30 or so to spend during the weekend.) We take pictures of what the girls pick out and then make them 'think' about it for a day or two before letting them purchase anything. |
More Goddamn stuffed animals. . . |
Are kids are drawn to these Ty-brand plush creatures like moths to a flame. . . |
For dinner, Kris and I decided to hit up the Keyhole Bar and Grill for dinner, which we had frequented a few times during our anniversary weekend last year. |
While we waited for our food, Kris introduced the girls to the glory of Pac Man. . . |
Still flawless. |
Hitting up some bathrooms during a post-dinner shopping stint. |
All these stores start to look the same after awhile. . . |
Heading back to Mill Creek after an evening of store-browsin' downtown. |
They had a few of these four-person bike/wagon/thingies at the store you could rent. We never looked into it, but they look kinda cool. It'd be nice to have one at home, for sure. |
Skipping ahead about twelve hours or so, here. Smitty and Rita showed up around 8:30pm, with just enough light left to set up their tent (sort of - it looked a little lopsided the rest of the weekend.) We didn't stay up too late, as we needed to be showered and ready to roll by 7:30 or so, as our shuttle to the Island ferry was picking us up at 8am. |
Girls, getting some breakfast out of the trunk. . . |
Awaiting the shuttle to Star Line. |
We had opted to hit up Mackinac Island on Friday, when it was in the 60s and overcast (with rain in the morning), as the shuttle wouldn't be too hard to get on in the morning, and the Island wouldn't be crowded. This ended up being a super smart move on our part, as the following day - Saturday - was to be in the mid-70s and sunny. Guaranteed to be packed with people. |
Waiting in line for the ferry, in front of a much-cooler looking ship. |
This is the only known picture in existence of Smitty awake before 11am. Treasure it. |
The ferry begins boarding. |
The kids were excited - and a little apprehensive - about taking a boat across the Straits to the Island. |
Not a lot of people on the boat ride over. . . thank God. I hate crowds. |
It was raining as we started our half-hour trip across, and the water was incredibly choppy due to the previous 24-hour's crappy, rainy weather. I almost got sea-sick, not going to lie. |
Our trip took us on a long loop under and back around the Mackinac Bridge, which the girls got a huge kick out of. |
Coming to port on a dreary, wet morning. |
Disembarking into the 1900s. |
Upon arrival, we decided to hit up the local shops and wait for the rain to clear before heading inland to hit up the Fort, Arch Rock, etc. (the rain was supposed to let up by 9am or so.) |
The Cannonball attacks Smitty with a novelty shark stick. |
Good to see the classics never go out of style - I bought this exact same souvenir kit when I was six or seven during a trip to the Island in the '80s. |
Sadly, no Crocodile - I was pissed. I totally would have bought one. |
Jewelry shopping. The usual. |
Ms. Abby shows off her newly-acquired bling. |
No longer raining, but still soaked and grey. |
Bringing up the rear |
Yeah, I don't think you could pay me enough to go swimming in these cold, choppy, boat-infested waters. . . |
On a quest to find a bathroom for the girls, following an hour or so worth of shopping downtown. |
With the weather clearing, we decided to head inland and hit up Fort Mackinac. We saw a taxi parked nearby that was planning on heading up to the Grand Hotel, and were able to charter a ride with him for a mere $20 (much better than the $40 per person carriage tour that they were offering elsewhere.) |
Enjoying a break from all the walking. . . |
Guess how excited these two girls were for a private horse-pulled carriage ride? |
Some pretty fancy private residences on Mackinac Island. Probably out of my price range. |
Another not-quite-picturesque shot of the Mackinac Bridge. . . |
The Little Stone Church, where my dad and stepmom were married back in 1993. |
The Grand Hotel (where Dad and Cindy had their wedding reception.) |
Alayna requested a picture with the horses before we left. |
Our driver said it was fine to pet this horse, just not the other one (who, apparently, was a biter.) |
. . . aaaand one with Abby. |
Our taxi. |
Setting off for Fort Mackinac. . . |
Smitty, admiring some local artwork. |
This walk was a little longer than we had anticipated, but the girls did pretty good with it. |
The amount of horse crap on the road, mixed with the amount of water on the roads, was pretty disgusting. I instantly regretted wearing sandals. |
Abby really wanted to walk down this hill (who frickin' knows why.) After a mini-tantrum, we continued on. |
If you look closely, in one of the windows to the bottom right, you can see Governor Rick Snyder, drinking a mug of something. He didn't look happy to see me snapping pictures of his house, but who cares - he's a piece of shit. |
Soldiering on. . . |
Approaching Fort Mackinac, at the end of our long walk. . . |
- Brian
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