Saturday, February 25, 2017

Northern Lanes (feat. Smitty and Rita)

Hi gang.

It had been awhile since Kris and I had hung out with other adults (outside of work), so Kris and I decided it was time to not be lame today.  Or at least not as lame as we usually are (we do have kids, and that lame-ifies things considerably.)  We invited Smitty and Rita out to our neck of the woods in order to do some bowling, which is a solid activity of us because a.) it keeps the kids busy, and b.) provides enough downtime between frames for us adults to have a few drinks and catch up on what's been going on in other mid-30's people's equally lame lives.

. . . and just in case you were curious, no, Kris and I have not improved our bowling game.  Not in the slightest.  Despite the use of bumpers.


The first joint we checked out was out on Bay Road in Midland - I forget the name of the joint, off the top of my head - but it was booked solid with League bowlers, so we were forced to backtrack all the way to Northern Lanes (near Sanford) in order to snag a lane.
Like last time, at first the girls demanded the use of a ramp to help them get the ball down the lane, but after a frame or two, they both opted to do it themselves. . . with mixed results.

Smitty's just about as shitty at this as we are.
Abby's hungry (and maybe a little racist.)
We ordered a few pitchers and a pizza upon arriving, so a half an hour in or so the grub came out (which we fell upon like a pack of wolves.)

I'm not sure if this is considered good form or not.  To me, it looks like I'm trying to shank a drifter in a hobo fight over a can of Spam.
As you can see by my epic three-pin take-down, I'm not much of a bowler.
Late in the game - and evening - as evident by Abby's body completely shutting down on us, as shown here. . .
. . . and here.
Probably a safe bet none of us are going to end up in a League any time soon. . .
- Brian

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