Lovely views await you at Overlook Park. Or not. |
Welcome back, Internet.
You know, everybody up here keeps telling me that this has been a '
mild winter.' Like I'm supposed to be
grateful for how abnormally warm it's been.
I don't know what the hell these people are smoking, 'cause, personally, I think it's
Sure, I'm comparing this to
Florida. Sue me.
Anyway, today was one of those 'warm' days. By 'warm,' I mean it was in the low-30s. Heat wave for some, but for us pseudo-Floridians, it was still pretty frickin' cold out. Not so cold as to prohibit us from taking some time today to spend sometime outside in the snow with the kids, though. They've only been sledding once this winter, so we knew we had to take them out again. And doing so in the low-30s is a
lot better than doing so in the low. . . 0s.
Kris wanted to take them out to
Overlook Park, which is a fitting name since this particular local park overlooks the scenic
Dow Chemical Plant. Her and the girls have been sledding there before with some of our neighbors, but honestly it's little more than a big hill: I'm
not really sure what the appeal of this park is outside of sledding in the winter. I could have used more snow on the ground - the warmer weather wasn't helping the ground conditions at all - but it worked in the end, and the kids had a blast.
Check it out. . .
A discarded broken sled near a park plaque. |
Kris stayed at the top of the hill and facilitated the girls' turns on the sled (we only have the one, having not had much need to buy an additional sled. . . up until now.) |
Abby runs back up after a run down the grass/slush/ice/snow. |
The Cannonball attempts a head-first ride. . . |
Another Cannonball Run |
You couldn't tear this kid away from this sled. . . |
Post wipe-out, Abby grabs a quick snack. |
Next time, we definitely bring two sleds. |
Of COURSE Alayna had to be dramatic about pushing the sled up the hill following a run. |
Mid-scolding. |
A solution to the one-sled dilemma. |
Abby biffs it. |
Abby shows of her famous Antietam impression. |
This walk got pretty old after awhile. |
Kris decides to take a turn. . . |
(This was waaay funnier in person.) |
And now with the other kid. . . |
The Antietam impression. Again. |
This kid spends a lot of time face-down in the snow. |
Another wipeout |
Taking a break from all that sledding to get herself stuck up in a pine tree. . . |
Noted. Probably not a good idea to have the sledding path head straight into traffic, Overlook Park. |
Farewell for now, from scenic Midland, Michigan |
- Brian
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