Hi America,
So my Dad flew down on Friday for a short weekend visit. Cindy would be later traveling to Tennessee with some friends, so Papa was visiting Nana-less this time around. We didn't have much on the agenda for this weekend, besides watching some football game between two teams I could've cared less about. Eventually Dad and I cleaned and hooked up a new turntable, we took the kids over to Gatorland to stare at animals that could easily digest them in a matter of seconds, and ultimately forced ourselves to sit through the most boring Superbowl in human history.
Behold a shit-load of pictures - enjoy:
Papa, gettin' his hair did. . . |
Both kids are fascinated with Papa's white hair |
Opening some Valentine's Day gift bags from Papa and Nana |
Dad and Cindy bought the girls some miniature Lego sets for their Valentine's bags, which, to me, was awesome - I love Legos more than I love most people. |
Papa and Abby having an in-depth conversation about lip gloss. . . |
Watson received a rope animal of some sort. He's still working on the rope part, but the plush face was decimated in a matter of minutes. |
Abby and her beach Lego set. |
I think Alayna had a soccer set or something along those lines. . . |
Abby made the mistake of leaving her chocolates out and uncovered on the recliner. Watson's going to be shitting himself like crazy for the next few days. |
Taking Watson out for a walk, trying out a new harness from my brother, Chris. . . |
Homeboy here was hanging outside the girls' bedroom for quite awhile on Saturday. |
Ready for an outing (please ignore the grass - I've been meaning to get around to that for some time.) |
These are for dogs. Seriously. Once a month we take Watson to the Purple Pooch in order to get his nails trimmed. It's a full-service pet salon and bakery, and caters to the upper-class, dog-spoiling soccer moms and bored, affluent housewives of Hunter's Creek. They do a good job, though. |
I don't care if these are for dogs. I would eat the hell out of this. |
After running some errands, Dad helped me re-calibrate and clean up a turntable I had sitting around that I had received a few months ago. I thought it was a lower-end model, but as it turns out it's actually a really good turntable, and worth a few hundred bucks. |
The turntable was so good, in fact, that we swapped out my Thorens and hooked up the new Sony. . . |
This thing sounds AWESOME. |
Alayna hung out with us in the Study while we played a few records and adjusted the sound on the receiver. I can think of much shittier ways to spend an afternoon. |
The next morning, we got the girls around and drove them over to Gatorland (which is practically within walking distance of our house.) |
Not 4.6, not 4.8. The Speed Limit in the Gatorland parking lot is 4.7. Ye be warned. |
Abby was afraid of this large alligator mouth, as she thought it was real. Because cement alligators with buildings for bodies evidently haunts her dreams. |
Noted. |
They don't let you swim at Gatorland. |
These guys are all over the place throughout the park, and are so used to people that I'm pretty sure you could walk up and pet the damn things. |
That bird is brave as hell. |
Alayna looks like she's posing for the cover of a Beastie Boys album right here. |
Some hillbillies working up the crowd (unfortunately, they were not eaten by gators while doing so.) |
Once the kids saw the playground, they could've cared less for alligators. . . |
Of all the crazy animals one can see at Gatorland, Alayna was most impressed with the common lizards you can find all over one's own backyard. |
We didn't pack our suits. The kids were pissed. |
I really, really want one of these chairs. . . |
Land tortoises - these guys are each over 100 hundred years old. . . |
I was about a foot away from this bird - what keeps them from flying all over the place and biting people's fingers off is beyond me - Fezzig definitely wouldve done so. |
Posing with Chester - the alligator that hate dozens of dogs in the Tampa area before being captured and relocated to Gatorland. |
Chester's such an aggressive asshole that he has to be housed in his own pen, or else he'll attack and kill the other alligators throughout the park. |
No colored gators allowed. |
These guys are apparently NOT albinos. |
They, too, can't be housed among the normal alligators, but it's more for their protection - normal alligators would flip out and murder the bejesus out of these white ones. Because they're racist. |
We have awesome, awesome luck. |
Papa bought a bunch of goat food (food pellets in ice cream cones) for the girls to hand out to the animals. . . |
We spent quite a lot of time feeding goats - the kids are big into petting zoos. |
This is the ugliest goat I've ever seen. |
Abby, flipping the hell out. |
Feeding goats through cracks in the fence. Why this is so hilarious, I don't know. |
Massaging some gator skin. |
You can get eerily close to the animals at Gatorland. Needless to say I watched our disaster-prone offspring like a hawk throughout the duration of our stay. |
In the bird room. . . or whatever the hell it's called. Basically a large, screened in room you can go in and pick up parakeets on a stick. |
Abby makes a friend. |
The girls always wanted the blue or white ones. . . |
Kris and a Conure (however that's spelled.) |
Alayna was a little freaked out by the size of this one (even though he was slightly bigger than Fezzig was.) |
After the Parakeet sanctuary, or whatever it is, we walked over to see some local redneck 'wrastle a 'gator.' |
Been there, done that. |
The gator fell asleep. . . or something. I don't know, I forget. |
In the dining pavilion, waiting for Papa and Kris to make with the lunch. . . |
This area was a pretty decent eating area - wider and more open than a lot of the Disney park eateries (of course, Gatorland has about 2% of the foot traffic the Disney parks do, but still. . .) |
I love people watching. . . |
Alayna was on the verge of passing out while waiting for lunch. . . it had been a long morning. |
Chowing down on fried food (Yours Truly was fortunate enough to nab a Daddy's Coffee.) |
A couple cranes, standing around waiting to order from the cafe. |
(This isn't real.) |
A bunch of lazy assholes. |
Abby steals one last peek at the gators on our way out of the park. . . |
Family portraits are always a disaster with this family. |
Back in the gator's mouth. |
Alayna had begun to throw a tantrum as we left the park - both kids needed some serious naps after a few hours of walking around in the sun, checking out deadly reptiles. |
Two teams I couldn't have cared less about. |
Yes, I'm that guy. I don't care. |
We made a shitload of snacks for the big game. Surprisingly enough, the girls would NOT eat the pizza pockets (whatever the heck those are.) Doesn't every kid love those things?! |
- Brian
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