Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Stuffed Animal Day

I'm talkin' to YOU, girl.
Hi gang.

If you'll be so kind to notice, I'm not at work.

"What gives?" you may ask yourself, "What's up with Brian's total negligence for his profession?  Is he wasting his time writing at work?"

Not quite, readers.  I'm at home.  I took the day off.

Because it's Valentine's Day.  The Shittiest Day of the School Year.

Do I exaggerate?  Not even a smidge.  When it comes to Middle School, there is no greater Hell on Earth than Valentine's Day.  The stuffed animals, the candy, the balloons, the drama, the break-ups, the fist-fights, the groping, the crying, the not working.  Yes, Valentine's has it all:  it is the Perfect Storm of teenage hormones, and provides the setting for the least productive day of the whole frickin' school year.

Plus, it's a total Hallmark Holiday.

Just sayin'.

So what am I up to today, seeing how I have a whole day off with the house to myself?  Well, for starters, I'm working on the infamous Plan B - a side-project/future career move that has occupied much of my time lately.  The project has been coming along quite well over the course of the last few weeks, and hopefully by this time next month we'll be wrapped up with it (our scheduled deadline is currently slated for March 15th, but it may or may not be bumped back to the following weekend - I'll keep you posted).

It's no Ocarina of Time, but it's still awesome. . .
Creativity aside, I've also logged away some time playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - the latest Nintendo Wii game at which I've been hacking away.  Generally I don't get to do things around the house like 'play videogames,' what with our kids hogging the Wii in order to stream crappy TV shows off of Netflix.  With them out of the house, and my wife occupied with work, there's no one about to hassle Yours Truly, and that means I can do 'single guy' stuff like indulge in a couple hours worth of Master Sword-weilding.


Speaking of which, I have a realm to save.  I'll talk to you working stiffs later.

- Brian

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