Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Retribution, Roseola, and Radical Teachification

now, let me start off by saying that this is arguably the suavest 7th grade social studies teacher you are likely to see this year.

this was taken back in august, and sense then i have led my ever-vigilant teenage disaster-bombs through two months of european history. as the first nine weeks draws to a close, i have a few new grey hairs but haven't yet suffered from an aneurism. cowabunga.

updates. remember when a 20 year old kid decided to rear-end my pregnant wife in a school zone a last week? when she was completely stopped at a school crossing, allowing children to scamper off on their way home from school? remember that? well, that 2o year old kid's dad just ended up taking a big, fat $1400 love bill up the kiester, folks. that's the amount of repairs kris' uplander is going to require in order to remedy this fella's handywork.

serves the guy right for texting on his damn cell phone.

in other news, guess who worked a half day today? (it was me.) last night, the cannonball decided to spike a 102.4 degree fever. preggosaurus' mom sense (think 'spidey sense') went apeshit at about 12:30am, and she sprung out of bed to randomly check on the kid. sure enough, fever time. afterwards, yours truly couldn't fall back asleep until 3:30am. two hours later, the alarm clock bellowed and i was off to a bland half-day of work before commuting all the way back up to home in order to take the kid to the pediatrician's.

final verdict: the kid's sprouting three new teeth, a series of ant bites, and roseola... which i guess is some kind of baby rash that prompts toddlers to bust out 103 degree fevers. who knew.

...that was our day. how was yours?


- brian

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