Tuesday, March 3, 2009

One Down, Nine to Go...

holy crap, do i ever hate grad school.

nothing about getting a masters is cool. nothing. that first class i took was absolutely horrible, i learned absolutely nothing that would either benefit me as an educator or my students, and if i have to take nine more classes at this rate - a horrid 72 weeks of excrutiating crappiness - i'm going to stick a gun in my mouth. if i have learned anything from the last eight weeks, friends, it is this:

do not go to grad school.

sorry for the pessimism. though, while i'm on a rant of sorts, if that wasn't enough, the job situation still isn't 100% concrete for next year. yes, that's right - again. no one seems to know what's going on with the school next year, who's staying, who's getting canned - so that added stress hanging in the background isn't helping out much either. i'm close to punching out greeters at target, if that says anything.

but, i suppose there's really nothing much i can do about the crappiness of grad school or the economic clusterf*%# the education system down here has landed itself in - i might as well just clench my teeth, close my eyes, and brace for the worst.

in closing, here's a weird video of our kid bathing with a parrot. enjoy:

- Brian

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