Monday, December 8, 2008

Animal kingdom

Thanks to our good friends Adam and Lindsay, Alayna and I were blessed to be able to spend a day at Animal Kingdom. Pretty nice for a random Monday, if I don't say so myself. It was a gorgeous day out as far as the weather is concerned. But, that's nothing new for Florida in the winter time. If we ever get out of here, I will miss that.
So, anyway, I strapped Alayna to myself with our baby harness and we took a hefty walk through Camp Minnie and Mickey. We left there after a nice photo shoot with the Duck and checked out 'Africa.' Of course she was in need of some refreshments and to my astonishment Disney has a gigantic baby center in the park with changing tables, high chairs, microwave, nursing rooms, couch and tv, etc. So, we decided to hang out there for a while and then she decided to get some shut eye.
I took that time to enjoy the nice scenery of
'Asia' and by the time she joined me again we were ready with our fast passes for the Safari.
She sat on my lap as we drove through the tour and handled it pretty well considering the guy driving was not afraid to hit the bumpy turns hard. We were in a row all by ourselves (who knows how that happened) and I almost flew across to the other side at one point. I found it a bit hypocritical on the drivers behalf after he just finished telling the group to keep kids in their seats and yelling at a guy to do the same after he creeped himself up a bit for a look.
We got some really nice views of the animals since they all seemed to be very close up.
All the excitement had to come to an end after that though. Brian would be home soon and taking care of a 6 month old on my own at a theme park is a bit tiring.


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